Thursday, 12 January 2012

All Gaza & Gaiters

Remember the Christmas sermon of the Archbisop of Westminster, which I predicted would act as a clarion call to action to Britain's Roman Catholics to join the Israel-demonising brigade?

Well, writes Giulio Meotti, 
'Eight Catholic bishops from Europe and North America have just visited the Christian community in Gaza.
The Vatican high profile delegation included Patrick Kelly, archbishop of Liverpool; Richard Smith, archbishop of Edmonton, Canada; Gerald Kicanas, bishop of Tucson, US; Michel Dubost, bishop of Evry, France; and Riccardo Fontana, bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, Italy.
French Bishop Dubost's comment was, “Last week, I asked prisoners in the largest prison in Europe (in Evry) to pray for you”.
The inference is clear: Gaza’s Christians are living in a big prison and terrified by Israel ...
Not a word about the Islamic repression of that tiny Christian community in Gaza - and Bethlehem and the rest of the PA.
The prison comparison was reiterated by another bishop. “I have just returned from visiting two of the largest ‘open prisons’ in the world – Bethlehem and the Gaza strip”, wrote William Kenney, auxiliary bishop in Birmingham who led the Catholic delegation. Bishop Kelly said that “violence is evil especially when it blocks humanitarian relief desperately needed”....' 
Raymond Field, auxiliary bishop of Dublin, also defined the Gaza Strip as “a large prison”....'
Read more here

On the subject of Gaza, here's a video which shows the UN Secretary-General's spokesperson, Martin Nesirsky,unprepared for a question from UN Watch on 6 January on whether the UN considers Gaza still "occupied territory":


And here's another (hat tip: reader Rita) showing how riled some UN members get when tricky questions are raised regarding human rights:

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