Friday, 9 September 2011

What Is The Arab-Israeli Conflict About? (video)

It's clever, it's cool, but I flinch somewhat at the crude treatment of the (admittedly not-so-dear) departed:


  1. Very nice exposition, short and to the point.

    As a stickler for facts, my only comment is that the part about the bus “from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv” is incorrect. The photo depicts the bus from Eilat to Tel-Aviv that was ambushed on 17 March, 1954, by Bedouins terrorists in Ma’aleh Akrabim (Scorpios Pass) in the Negev and all its passengers, barring one woman and one baby were massacred and their bodies abused. The incident is known as “Ma’aleh Akrabim Massacre”.

    However, the main point of this clip remains; there was no “occupation”, there were no roadblocks, there was no “apartheid wall”; it was a REAL Palestinian utopia, one would think. Except that, no one went to UN to enshrine such utopia with a “Palestinian State” :-(

    In fact, those days there were even no “Palestinians” as such; the Arabs (of the British Mandate over Palestine) were called just that “Arabs”; this was what we called them (I lived in Israel at the time), this was how the Arab world called them, but most important this was how they called themselves.

    I don't normally used Wikipidia as a source, but this arcticle looks accurate to me:


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