Friday, 9 September 2011

Norwegian Shrink Writes Israel-Demonising Book For Kids

No, not for children like this fledgling suicide bomber, whose grown-up equivalents have been rather effectively prevented from carrying out their evil intentions by Israel's separation barrier.

For five- to twelve-year-olds in his own country.

The book has apparently been shortlisted for some sort of award by the Arts Council of Norway.

Its author is a psychiatrist, and as such knows all about mending minds.   Unfortunately, his book seems dedicated to bending minds, the minds of children, who in the representative extract below are taught that the IDF are fearsome ogres.

More grist to the mill of antisemitism in the country already infamous as the most antisemitic in Europe.

“Late one night we came to a small country named Palestine. It gets serious now, Dad says. No more kidding!  We are driving towards the border, where we get to a full stop. In front of us is the tallest wall I have ever seen. Like a steep wall all the way to heaven. At the gate in the wall there are soldiers on guard, with helmets and guns. What is in your tank, they ask in English. Just water, daddy replies, just water. The soldiers say it is not permitted to bring water across the border. Daddy says he has done this many times before, so it’s OK. But by now it is not OK. Daddy argues with the fierce soldiers, I am so scared I crawl into my sleeping bag. But people need water, Daddy says. No, no water, the soldiers says. But they are thirsty! They need water for their animals and olive trees. No, no water the soldiers say, pointing at daddy with their guns.
Daddy picks up a large bottle of liquor. He asks the soldiers if they want to taste. Very good real Finnish liquor, Daddy says. The soldiers are as fierce as before. But they drink. They empty the bottle. Daddy and I sit in the car, waiting. We are playing Yatzy until it gets silent. Then I fall asleep, dreaming of juicy oranges. The juice flows down my chin. I wake up when Daddy starts the engine. Then we sneak across the border”.
Read more:
Hat tip: Tundra Tabloids blog


  1. That book is appalling. This is precisely the sort of thing you would expect to be churned out by Hamas. Perhaps it was.

  2. I wonder whether there will be any pro-Israel people left in Norway given initiatives such as these.


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