Thursday, 15 September 2011

Grab The Popcorn - More Australian Max Brenner videos (with cameo appearance from an Israeli heroine!)

These aren't exactly of cinematic quality, but they show the events in Melbourne on 9 September, with the repulsive blood-libelling BDS rabble defaming Israel and the chocolatier in their usual hysterical, antisemitic and deafening manner (but see the Israeli lady sock it to 'em, in the first and second videos!):


  1. Surely it's an offense to shout through loudspeakers in enclosed public spaces?

  2. It should be, but who knows? Ear-splitting louts.

  3. News just in re debate in NSW upper house today (hat tip: Shirl in Oz)

    That this House:

    (a) Notes with concern the anti Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign against legitimate businesses operating in Australia which provide jobs to hundreds of Australians

    (b) Calls on all Members to condemn the targeting of Max Brenner Chocolate Cafes by anti-Israeli protesters,

    (c) Notes further that some of the rhetoric used by proponents of the BDS campaign has descended into antisemitism

    (d) Condemns antisemitism in all its forms.

    2 Greens spoke against the motion, but only one of them voiced a ‘No’ vote. One Green spoke for the motion. All other MLC’s from all other parties voted for (ALP, Coalition, Shooters, Fred Nile) and all other speakers spoke passionately for.


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