Thursday, 15 September 2011

"Did You Sleep OK?" (video)

I don't normally post items that have no relevance to Jews and/or Israel, but since the EDL and its apparent Jewish component has been mentioned on this blog recently I've decided to post this.  It shows how angry, frustrated and disgusted the people often dubbed "fascists" or "neo-fascists" are with the perceived failure of the British government and its agencies to tackle Islamic extremism - another type of fascism - in England's green and once pleasant land.  (For the background see


  1. This video is excellent.

    I wonder how and where it can get maximum exposure in the good old 'MOTHER COUNTRY"?

  2. But this video DOES have relevance to Jews and Israel in my opinion because these islamists are the "people" who demand the destruction of Israel and call for the genocide of Jews, openly, blatantly, explicitely! Supported by the Left and especially by the Greens.

    However, the finger has to be pointed at those who emasculated the London police like this:

  3. Well, Shirl, as Steve commented elsewhere, the original incident wasn't shown on the 24-hour news networks.
    Funny, that, innit.

    Thanks for the link, Rita.

  4. I sent the link to the original incident to the English BoD

    Daphne you are in the best position to do something. Send it to all the TV stations and radio stations. Someone will pick it up.

  5. I reckon the makers will already have done that, Shirl.
    Far be it from me to be thought a member of the EDL!


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