Friday, 19 August 2011

Obama & Netanyahu: The Experts Disagree

Via the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, two op-eds, two very different perspectives.

From Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, who concludes his article:
'One of my most revealing experiences was a meeting I attended, along with 40 other Jewish leaders, with President Obama at the White House in March. The president told us, according to my notes: “You must speak to your Israeli friends and relatives and search your souls to determine how badly do you really want peace. Israelis think this peace business is overrated; their life is good, their economy is good, and things are quiet.”
Several times he emphasized that “the PA is sincere in wanting a peaceful settlement” and that “Israel has not sufficiently tried to make an acceptable offer.” He asked, “Is the Netanyahu government serious about territorial concessions?”
Things may get better or worse -- more likely the latter -- but one thing is clear: Obama and Israel are not of one mind, or anywhere close to being so.'
Read all the article:

But from Marc Stanley, chair of the National Jewish Democratic Council, this conclusion:
'So are critics being fair to President Obama when they intentionally misquote him and spread lies about his positions? Are they being fair when they portray a rift between the U.S. administration and the Israeli government in the face of clear evidence to the contrary? And are they helping Israel by trying to use Israel as a wedge issue for partisan gain?
While some work to tear down the bipartisan pro-Israel consensus that we’ve built over decades, Obama and Netanyahu continue to work as partners in every sense to secure Israel and ensure lasting peace for the Israeli people. On top of the extensive list of agreements regarding policy and security cooperation, add the fact that Netanyahu has reiterated his support for this longtime basis for negotiations.
Don’t listen to the noise; look at the record.  Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama are truly on the same page.'
Read all the article:

1 comment:

  1. Obama's apologists among the Jewish community are truly sickening. It does not matter what is said in public it is what happens behind the scenes. The Israeli government is going to tread lightly around Obama becasue no matter what anyone thinks he may still be President for another four years.The security and cooperation agreements, btw were signed and agreed to under Bush and it is the Pentagon that has ensured that they be upheld, not the White House.


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