Friday, 19 August 2011

Australian Greens Expose Their Racist Heart (Again)

On 18 August Senator Ron Boswell (LNP, Queensland) moved that the Australian Senate
(a)  condemns certain extremist groups and individuals and their calls for a boycott of the Israeli confectionary company Max Brenner and all other Israeli companies that manufacture and sell products to and within Israel, as part of the Global Boycott Divestments and Sanctions (GBDS), banning any links with Israeli organisations or organisations that support Israel and prohibiting any academic, government, sporting or cultural exchanges with Israel;
(b) acknowledges that Israel is a legitimate and democratic state and a good friend of Australia;
(c)  recognises the right of the company Max Brenner to operate in Australia as a lawful and legitimate business, which should be able to operate unhindered and without persecution;
(d) denounces the boycott of this business and any other business engaging in free and lawful trade with the State of Israel; and
(e) calls on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to investigate any secondary boycotts being imposed on Max Brenner confectionary stores
 Labor, the Independents and the Coalition supported the motion.

But the Greens, in bed with extreme leftist groups and increasingly prone to neglect environmental matters in order (like new senator Lee Rhiannon, their far-left poster girl) to concentrate on bashing Israel and push a BDS agenda, opposed it.  What's more, they did so sneakily, their leader Senator Bob Brown,  requesting not a formal division, but merely that that their opposition be noted.

See page 26 of:

A spokesman for The Executive Council of Australian Jewry told a representative of J-Wire:
"It has been five years since official representatives of the Australian Jewish community have had a meeting with Senator Brown. There is regular dialogue with the leaders of the major parties. Senator Brown continues ro refer us to the Greens’ national policy director."
By the way, if you don't know what my heading refers to, see here (enjoy!):

And for more Boswell BDS-bashing see:


  1. Do you think the Greens are an inherently anti Israel party or is it just that they have an anti Israel wing that the party is afraid to confront?

    In other words, should Israel advocates campaign against the Greens or only specifically anti-Israel candidates?

  2. I think that despite good intentions re the environment they're a catch-all ratbag party who've been hijacked by the far left, and that since they are so inextricably linked in both the UK and Oz with anti-Israel initiatives and the BDS movement that they should be avoidede at all costs.


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