Sunday, 3 July 2011

Stranded in Greece, An Aussie Flotilla "Heroine" Greets The Folks Back Home (videos)

Who is Sylvia? What is she, that all these folk commend her?

Well, if you've followed this blog over the last ten days or so, you'll know that Sylvia Hale is a former Greens politician in New South Wales, and an incorrigible leftwing critic of Israel.

Last year Ms Hale went to Gaza, and blogged about it.  The blog contains these gems of the Israel-demoniser's art:
"Yesterday, at Hebron, it was somewhat unnerving to pass through a turnstile while a young soldier lounged a metre or so away pointing a rifle directly at you. It's not entirely fanciful to see boredom getting the better of them.
 Hebron was very interesting. The mosque contains Abraham's tomb and is very important to Muslims ....
The mosque is in the centre of the old city, surrounded by alley ways and shops.... They [the Israelis] used to hurl rocks down on to people below, but, since overhead netting was put in place, rocks and larger objects have been replaced with sand, urine and faeces. The objective is once again to dispossess Palestinians not only of their land and houses, but of their religious heritage."

Last week, she and other Aussies off to join the flotilla were informed by their country's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade that they would have limited Australian consular access in the event of Israel detaining them.

She was quoted on the website of the ABC (the Aussie equivalent of the BBC) as saying:
"I gather the Israelis more or less said what they were proposing to do, namely to intercept the flotilla, to force it to divert to the port of Ashdod, which would be declared a closed military zone, at which there would be no possibility of consular access.
Then participants would either be deported immediately or they would be taken to one of three prisons, at which there might be the possibility of consular access."
The Tahrir, aboard which Ms Hale and her fellow-Aussies want to sail to Gaza to embarrass Israel, has met a spot of trouble, as described in this report on Ahmadinejad's propaganda news channel, Press TV:

In this video Ms Hale greets the Israel-bashers back in Sydney, including Greens senator-elect Lee Rhiannon, another old trouper amid the Israel-bashing BDS brigade.

As always, I'm amazed at the alacrity with which women - especially women of a certain age, the generation which fought the women's liberation struggles of the 1970s - embrace the cause of those who would return the status of women to the Dark Ages.

(Which reminds me - Elder of Ziyon has an excellent piece on the little old ladies of the flotilla, complete with poster: )


  1. Sylvia looks like a very sad and self-hating person. She will rot from her 'brain' down.

  2. She co-founded a well-respected publishing company, Hale and Iremonger. I knew John Iremonger, who died of cancer far too young. He was an admirer of the execrable Gough Whitlam, but nevertheless very fair to his authors, never letting his political views intrude. I have never met Ms Hale.

  3. Those deeply embarassing anti-semitic "cruisades" seem to be the new "cruises for post-menopausal cougars". Call me a cynic, but I cannot help thinking that these shrill crones might "dream" a little of the mythical tales about the Arab male sexdrive. They certainly dont seem to be concerned about their Muslim Sisters' sort under Islam.

  4. A kind of Rudolf Valentino meets Omar Sharif thing, Rita?!

  5. Ladies remember Yasser Arafat.


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