Sunday, 3 July 2011

Cops Get Tough With Anti-Israel Melbourne Protesters (videos)

As foreshadowed in the above trailer, about 100 protesters from an outfit called Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid descended the other evening on a shopping centre in central Melbourne to rant and rave and make nuisances of themselves.

Here they are calling for Israel's destruction outside a cosmetics store called Jerico/Black Pearl whose products contain minerals from the Dead Sea.

The mob then transferred their attention to a shopping centre nearby and a branch of the chocolate purveyor Max Brenner (the chain founded by Israelis).

They apparently refused to disperse when asked to do so by police, preferring confrontation with the boys in blue.

According to reports, some police received injuries, and nineteen members of the Students for Palestine group were charged with offences including "trespassing, besetting a premises, and assaulting police".
You can read more here:

"Free Free Palestine!" cries the raucous mob, in this brief footage of the confrontation.

Watch as the boys in blue move in, and the Israel-bashers turn their ire from the chocolate store to the cops, changing their chant to "This is not a police state!"

How many genuine police states do this mob demonstrate against?  None, I'll wager.  Like others of their ilk, they're all too obsessed with demonising the only democracy in the Middle East and the only state in the world that happens to be Jewish.

(Hat tip: guess who? Yep, redoubtable reader Shirlee!)
And there's more:

Here's the protesters' version of events:


  1. It is hard to hold any respect for "human rights activists" when they constantly misdefine terms, from Apartheid to Zionism, in order to continue their tunnel vision of how one group of people (Israeli Jews) are the lone cause of the world's tumult. All of these contradictions means, quite simply, that brains are not part of their establishment.


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