Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Palestinian Arab Assault on Non-Muslim Holy Places

That the latest desecration (over Passover) of Joseph's Tomb, after the Temple Mount and the Tomb of the Patriarchs the third holiest site in Judaism, by Palestinian Arabs - who shouted "Allahu Akhbar" - is part of a determined and ongoing Muslim offensive against Jewish and Christian holy places is attested to in an impressive, well-documented piece by Jeff Dunetz that truly is essential reading.

He observes, inter alia:
"A major strategy of the Palestinians in their goal of ultimately taking over all of Israel is to deny Jewish and Christian ties to the land. That’s why they hold on to the Temple Mount and destroy artifacts. It is why they burned down Joseph’s Tomb (and tried twice since),  it was it is why they are targeting Rachel’s Tomb calling it the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque. Its also why they tried to build a latrine on top of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre....
In 2000, after hundreds of years of recognizing the site as Rachel’s Tomb, Muslims began calling it the “Bilal ibn Rabah mosque.” Members of the Wakf used the name first in 1996, but it has since entered the national Palestinian discourse. Bilal ibn Rabah was an Ethiopian known in Islamic history as a slave who served in the house of the prophet Muhammad as the first muezzin (the individual who calls the faithful to prayer five times a day).When Muhammad died, ibn Rabah went to fight the Muslim wars in Syria, was killed in 642 CE, and buried in either Aleppo or Damascus. The Palestinian Authority claimed that according to Islamic tradition, it was Muslim conquerors who named the mosque erected at Rachel’s Tomb after Bilal ibn Rabah, belying the fact that a vast amount of literature written by pilgrims – Jewish, Christian and Muslim – documents the site as Rachel’s burial place....
It had to be one of the most flagrant desecrations of a holy site in the history of humankind, on October 7, 2000, after Israeli troops retreated from a post just outside the northern West Bank city of Nablus, or Biblical Shechem, following coordinated, deadly attacks against Jews there, scores of Palestinians stormed Joseph’s Tomb and nearly destroyed the site believed to be the burial place of the biblical patriarch Joseph – the son of Jacob who was sold by his brothers into slavery and later became the viceroy of Egypt....
What makes today’s attacks particularly significant is that it occurs during the holiday of Passover, which celebrates the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt. One of Moses’ lasts acts in Egypt was to retrieve the body of Joseph so his bones could be brought into the holy land...."
Read all of Dunetz's article here: http://bigpeace.com/jdunetz/2011/04/24/palestinians-shouted-allahu-akbar-as-they-desecrated-josephs-tomb-with-murder-and-fire/#more-109480

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