Monday, 25 April 2011

Bannerless in Berlin: A Queer Kind of Pride

It's reported that when gay and lesbian Israelis from Tel Aviv march this coming June in Berlin at that city's Gay Pride events, they will not be carrying the Israeli flag, and will divest themselves of any other other symbols that may identify them as citizens of the Zionist Entity.

They're afraid of jeers and insults from antisemites and  the Israel-bashing crowd.

Who are, of course, so often one and the same.

Strange, that gutless attitude, is it not?

For most of these marchers will have been brave enough to have served in the IDF.

They have no problem in avowing their homosexuality - they take pride in it.

But they are ashamed to  avow their citizenship of their country, the only country in the Middle East which does not persecute gays.

I call that perverse.

And craven.

As another commentator remarks, it's
"Ironic because, when it comes to what pride is all about, there's no better symbol than Israel. It's the Middle East's one safe nation for LGBT people — a place where Christian, Muslim, and Jewish gay people are able to live with rights and dignity. On the other side of its borders and throughout the rest of the region, homosexuality is illegal and punished with humiliation, imprisonment, and death.
Isn't it also a bit ironic these Israeli marchers would deny their flag in Berlin, of all places? They're going there, after all, as representatives of a country created as a result of Nazi Germany's murder of 6 million Jews in World War II. These people don't have enough pride in themselves, nor enough respect for the dead, to announce themselves as gay Israelis."


  1. I suppose a Yellow star and Pink triangle are out of the question then !

  2. Good point, Rita, they overlook that little point - and spot-on as ever, Steve!


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