Sunday, 20 February 2011

Showing the BDS movement up for what it is!

Check out this new kid on the block:
It begins:

Pathetic Assholes Conspiring to Boycott Israel

Welcome to, the leading web site in the growing BDS movement!!
Here we tell you everything you need to know about anti-Zionism and BDS! Just what is BDS?
BDS stands for Bigots, Dingbats and Scoundrels. BDS-ers come from the goosestepping Neo-Nazi Right, from the bedwetting radical Left, from the "anarchist" anarcho-fascist movements, from the various front groups for the "International Solidarity Movement" or ISM (which stands for "I Support Murderers").

(Hat tip:Yisrael Medad)

Naturally, there is no connection with



  1. Excellent! It's hard to believe the 'real' PACBI didn't think to buy up to ensure no one else uses it. Not a very yiddishe kopf!

  2. Exactly, Bella.
    I personally wouldn't use the "strong language" that the new site does, but I think it's pretty good nevertheless. Must have taken alot of work!

  3. I agree with you about the language. They also need to make sure it doesn't read like The Onion and can be viewed as a serious resource for anti-BDS activity.

  4. Well, you've taught me something, Bella.
    Never heard of The Onion before but have just googled it.

  5. Sorry ladies, I find nothing wrong with the language. I hear far worst sitting on the bus !!!
    So long as they aren't using proanities. I don't have an issue with it.

    Maybe I can tell you two something, but you will have to do a search for it first.

    Search not Google. Daphne, please don't tell me that you 'Hoover the carpet'

    Do you know what an "Onion boat" is?

    I only found out recently. My booba always talked about going to England on an 'Onion boat'

  6. A year or so ago, a good friend of mine, went on a tour down the East End and the subject of people arriving on Onion Boats came up

    It was the name given to ships that brought the refugees from the Old Soviet bloc countries, that had paid passage to the US. They dropped them off in England and told them it was the US. They didn’t know any difference, because they didn’t speak the language and certainly had no money to take them further.

    My grandparents might have scraped the money together and gone to the US, but they found a good many people from their shetl there and a few other family members, so they stayed.

    Where the name comes about, ish vas nisht !!!

  7. Maybe you can do some research on it. I have a little and came up with gurnish!!

  8. Thanks, Shirlee, you are not the first to tell me that kind of anecdote - about ending up in England and assuming they were already in America. Dodgy ticket agents!
    And talking of America, here's a present for you:

  9. I'm surprised someone hasn't 'done 'im in' to be quite honest with you

    He also said that Buckingham Palace would be a mosque.!!

    I saw the Hannity interview

    and this with CNN

  10. I wish my grandfather had landed in New York as intended, instead of Hull, I wouldn't have ended up with her indoors for the last 35 years.
    Thinking about it,it would only have been another putts with a different accent.

  11. Aw, Steve - you are naughty (but I like you!)


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