Wednesday, 6 May 2020

"The Greatest Story Never Told"

For those who haven't read her book, here's a video by the highly articulate Lyn Julius, co-founder of Harif, on Jews in the Arab Lands, their contributions and persecution.

To quote the uploader,  J-TV:
'When the world speaks of Middle Eastern refugees, it means Palestinian Arab refugees. The truth is that there were more Jews displaced from Arab countries since 1948 than Palestinians from Israel (856,000, as against 711,000, according to UN figures). Some people call the Jewish Exodus The Greatest Story never told. Meet Lyn Julius, author of "Uprooted: How 3,000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world vanished overnight".'


  1. At a college on whose newspaper site I used to comment - until they started rejecting my comments completely - there was a daughter of Tunisian Jews.

    Pro-Palestinian, describing her parents as having "left" Tunisia and put into a camp, she is the quintessential JINO attempting to show her SJW creds.

  2. I'll check that out. Thanks.


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