Thursday, 2 January 2020

!n London, Corbynista Types "Stand Up to Racism"

The antisemitic daubings in Belsize Park and South Hampstead that have marred thestart of the New Year brought out, last night, an assortment of protesting Lefties, including, it seems, members of that hardcore pro-Corbyn Israel-demonising rump calling itself Jewish Voice for Labour.

Here, in this Israel Advocacy Movement video narrated by the admirable Joseph Cohen, which claims that (mainstream) Jews were "ostracised" at the event, a familiar little woman cries "Go Away!" through clenched teeth several times at the young Jewish man interviewing attendees -- attendees such as a woman who implies that pro-Israel Jews are allies of the English Defence League (EDL) for instance, and a pompous Jewish guy with a posh accent.

The Lefties demonstrating included our old friend (we've often seen her on Alex Seymour's videos) the little woman of apparent Jewish parentage who sports a baseball cap and other accessories in the Palestinian colours outside football stadiums to demand that Israel is thrown out of FIFA, and who has become a staple at anti-Israel demos by the Inminds group (again, Alex Seymour regularly captures her on video).

But the "star" (so to speak) of the Lefty  brigade has to be the guy wearing a BDS sign in his beanie. What a gymnastic display of smirks his facial muscles pull, and what nauseating ripostes he gives when challenged by his young interlocutor. Watch, too, how the woman alongside him grins in seeming triumph at his remark regarding German opposition to the BDS movement.

Update: For more on the despicable antsemitic behaviour at this event see David Collier here

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