Monday, 9 December 2019

At London Anti-Antisemitism Rally, a Super Hero Steals the Show (video)

An open air rally under the auspices of the Campaign Against Antisemitism has been held in Westminster near the Houses of Parliament.

The message was an honourable although distinctly anodyne one: "Together Against Antisemitism".

That great friend of Jews and Israel, Colonel Richard Kemp, had been due to speak but was declared persona non grata owing to last minute concerns that his "Islamophobic" would not reflect well on the event.   (Let's hope that this gutless development will not set a precedent.)

In Kemp's absence the star of the event was expected to be actress Tracey Ann Oberman.  But she was upstaged by a guy in a green cap.

You see, she, like the organisers, was evidently unhappy with the"politicisation" of the event by attendees holding anti-Corbyn placards.

At the organisers' request, person after person can be seen on this video meekly putting away their signs.

But the guy wearing the green cap, was, as usual, made of sterner stuff.

The "Racist Corbyn Unfit to Be PM" sign remained proudly aloft in his grasp, to the consternation of the organisers and Miss Oberman, until he was knocked about a bit.

Watch the contretemps unfold, as the guy in the green hat refuses to yield his placard ...

He is, of course,  that Zionist activist whose courage and tenacity have made him a legend on his own time, super hero Jonathan Hoffman, that's who!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who attended, they are all super-heroes.


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