Sunday, 17 November 2019

Prioritising the Protection of American Muslims Over That of American Jews (video)

How the ADL's flirtation with the left and the Democratic Party has addled the ADL's agenda: Dr Charles Jacobs pulls no punches in telling how an organisation designed to protect Jews from hate and antisemitism has entrapped itself, and let down Jews, by its subservience to the fight against "Islamophobia".


  1. It's all about the votes. Muslims have more.

    1. Thanks. Horrible to contemplate. As someone in the Ancient World once famously put it: "Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad".

  2. This is of a set. To many if not most left wing American Jews it matters little who the haters are as long as it's someone of the left. And if it is, it's fine. I've said it over and over that most Jews of the left are Leftists first, Americans next and Jews last. In every generation they dilute and then assimilate and then disappear only to be back-filled with the next wave of "Jews" eager to Anglicize their names and morph into atheist communists and socialists. In the longer run though they will run out of people to fill out the ranks and vanish entirely until the only Jews left in America are right or right of center, more orthodox more observant. Clearly the ADL and similar orgs will sooner or later elevate Muslims to their own leadership and change the name to MADL (M for Muslim, Mexican, Marxist, Messugunah, etc.)


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