Tuesday, 5 November 2019

In the Land of Song, Anti-Israel Warblers

Amid all the squabbling over Brexit ahead of December's British General Election comes a predictably illuminating little survey from the PSC in Wales, regarding Welsh parliamentary candidates' attitudes to Israel, based on their answers to  the following loaded five question questions:
1.Given that Israel has continued to expand settlements on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in defiance of international law and international opinion, do you think the UK should ban the import of settlement goods into the UK?
2. Do you agree that Israel’s blockade of Gaza, imposed since 2007, should be lifted immediately?
3. Do you agree that the Government should enforce its own arms export licensing criteria, and stop supplying arms to Israel until it ceases its violations of international law?
4. Numerous reports have highlighted the mistreatment of Palestinian child prisoners in Israeli military detention. Do you agree that any child prisoner should be treated in accordance with international law and not Israeli military law?
5. Do you agree that future UK trade deals should include a strong human rights clause, and that any trade agreement with Israel should be conditional upon the respect of international law and human rights?
Of the respondents so far, six answered all five questions in the affirmative with a simple "Yes" to each.

They are:

Dinah Mulholland, Labour candidate for Ceredigion (her deeply entrenched anti-Israel pro-BDS views are seen in all their nastiness here)  describes herself on Twitter as "Mother, support worker, teacher, activist, socialist, Corbynist";  this photo (she's in the black dress) was evidently taken at the launch of PSC Ceredigion in July this year, the accompanying (unquestioningly biased) newspaper report beginning:
"A branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign was launched at an event at Arad Goch in Aberystwyth.
Local peace and justice choir Côr Gobaith sang the group into being with a moving selection of songs that featured the suffering and resolve of the Palestinian people.
Following the choir, Betty Hunter, honorary president of PSC, made an informative presentation about the plight of children who find themselves on the frontline of Israeli military actions in Palestine...."
Image: Cambrian News

Also, James Gibson-Watt, LibDem candidate for Brecon and Radnorshire; he leads the LibDems on Powys County Council; Steve Churchman, LibDem candidate for Gwynned; he's a local councillor;
Mark Hooper, Plaid Cymru candidate for Cardiff Central; Ian Johnson, Plaid Cymru candidate for the Vale of Glamorgan; and Sharon Lovell, who's fighting the Vale of Glamorgan on behalf of the Women's Equality Party.

Ms Lovell's obscure little party has issued an eight-point manifesto.  These is pledge four:
'An end to violence against women
We will repair the broken funding model for specialist services, including services that are for and led by BAME [Black, Asian and minority ethnic] women. We will put prevention, protection and provision at the heart of all our policies and we will not rest until all women and girls are free from violence and harassment.
 And this is pledge seven:
We will build an immigration system with gender equality and social justice at its heart. We will design trade deals that work for everybody. We will make sure Brexit does not turn back the clock on gender equality through secondary legislation.'
Ah, when will lefty Israel-bashing feminists recognise Israel as the progressive democratic society it is and acknowledge the misogyny that lies at the heart of Islam, and which facilitates "honour killings" even in "Palestine"?

When will they realise that the assaults on women that occur in Germany, Sweden and elsewhere in Europe are largely the result of mass Islamic immigration, as is the trafficking in underage non-Muslim girls that has been such an abhorrent feature of certain English cities with large Pakistani populations?

 (Incidentally, PSC Wales has seemingly forgotten, at least at this hour, to include the links to all but one of the Statements which respondents issued wither in lieu of or in addition to one-word answers.)

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