Thursday, 26 September 2019

The Surging Antisemitism on the American Left

 To my Jewish readers:

A very important and informative long video here, but it need not be watched, just heard.  And heeded.

Chaired by Fred Fleitz, a panel consisting of the following discusses the surging antisemitism on the Left in cahoots with Islam:

Morton Klein - National President of the Zionist Organization of America;
Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz - Founder and CEO of MBLA International;James Carafano - Vice President of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullo Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E.W. Richardson Fellow;Matthew Brodsky - Middle East expert, geopolitical analyst and Senior Fellow at the Gold Institute for International Strategy.


  1. Alexander H. Joffe
    [a Middle East Historian] said:

    Similarly, neo-Nazis in Germany have begun using the phrase “Israel is our misfortune,” a sentiment that converges with the German [Leftist] Green Party’s explicit support for BDS.

    The crossover between the two streams was seen recently when a founder of the Green Party spoke at a neo-Nazi event.

    BDS Spreads Through Community Organizations
    and K-12 by Alexander Joffe
    , 2019 July 2

  2. Major General (res.) Gershon HaCohen,
    [who] led the IDF 36th Division that was
    responsible for the disengagement [from Gaza]
    [said this to Jewish News Syndicate]:

    “…No one in his right mind in Israel will
    now agree to a disengagement from Judea
    and Samaria [also known as The West Bank]
    except for a few Left-wing radicals.”

    SOURCE: Disbanding Gush Katif a failed
    experiment, says general who helped carry out evacuation

    by Avrohom Shmuel Lewin, 2019 August 12

  3. Mr. Siraj Hashmi [writer for
    the Washington Examiner] said:

    “...not all Muslims are anti-Semitic.

    The Left’s apparent alliance with American Muslims
    who hate Israel and are openly anti-Semitic is
    doing a great disservice to all Americans,
    including Americans who are Muslim like me,
    and is damaging to the fabric of our country.”

    SOURCE: Why Are the Left’s
    Favorite Muslims Anti-Semites?

  4. Rabbi Harry Maryles said:

    “But what do you expect from the Left?
    They are all about their agendas.

    Even if it means distorting the truth
    through ignorance (willful or otherwise)
    by making inappropriate analogies.”

    Judaism and Misappropriating Holocaust Imagery
    by Rabbi Harry Maryles, 2019 June 19

  5. Something I have kvetched about many times, e.g.:

    American Jews’ Allegiance to Those Who Hate And Abuse Them


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