Saturday, 7 September 2019

"Islam is a Feminist Religion"? No Way!!!

Don't let the apologists pull a veil over your eyes!

This young gentleman tells.


  1. Well for the first 10 minutes before they're all raped and killed, that is.

  2. from Miss Brigitte Gabriel:

    Wife-beating in Islamic nations is more prevalent than one can imagine.

    In Pakistan, is has been reported by the Institute of Medical Sciences that 90% of the female population has been beaten for such wrongdoings as giving birth to a daughter or cooking an unsatisfactory meal.

    After the African country of Chad attempted to outlaw wife-beating, Islamic clerics in that nation deemed the bill “un-Islamic”.

    SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped:
    Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and
    How We Can Do It
    (Chapter 9, page 173)
    by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2008, year 2010,
    St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages,
    ISBN 0312571283 * ISBN 9780312571283.

    MICROBIOGRAPHY: Brigitte Gabriel, the author of They Must Be Stopped, is a Christian Arab, born in Lebanon. Arabic is her native language.

  3. “The hadiths, the descriptions of the life of Muhammad, the ideal human being whose example all the Islamic faithful must follow, confirm that women are sex objects, that they are inferior beings like dogs and donkeys, and that there is nothing wrong with sexual slavery and raping female prisoners.

    Taharrush [the Arabic word for the phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped] is quite common in Islamic countries. Women are frequently surrounded by men and subsequently abused.

    The Egyptian website Jadaliyya points out that it also happens to veiled women.

    Women are victims simply because they are women and not because they have provoked the men by their conduct or [allegedly] provocative clothing.

    It can happen in the streets, public transport, supermarkets, or during protest demonstrations.”

    SOURCE: Germany’s Merkel
    Faces a Firestorm of Criticism over Muslim
    Migrant Misogyny
    by Jerry Gordon
    of the Gatestone Institute, 2016 January 14

  4. **********************************************

    “The contempt Islam holds toward women is best illustrated through it time-honored practice of honor killings.

    Any woman’s or girl’s perceived transgression against the teachings of Islam or against a man’s wishes, or behavior that insults a man, permits a male member of a family to murder the female to avenge and restore honor to the family in the eyes of society.”

    “Honor killings are executed by slitting the victim’s throat, hatcheting them, stabbing, burning them to death, bullets to the head or chest, or by any other means imaginable.”

    “In addition, it is also customary to cut off the victim’s left hand or index finger to prove to the tribal elders that the deed has been accomplished and the family honor can now be restored.’

    “Even moderate Jordan withdrew a referendum to tighten laws on honor killing after devout Muslims said that the law would eradicate Islamic values and traditions.

    Article 341 of Jordanian Law stipulates that murder is a legal act of defense when:”

    “the act of killing another or harming another was committed as an act of defense against his life, or his honor, or somebody else’s life or honor.”

    “Honor killings are performed throughout the Muslim world. In 1997, an attorney general in the Palestinian Authority told an audience of women that, in his opinion, the honor killings of women in Gaza and the West Bank were close to 70% of all female deaths.”

    “The independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, citing government figures, said in a 2006 report that about 1,000 women die annually in honor killings.”

    SOURCE: They Must Be Stopped:
    Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and
    How We Can Do It
    (chapter 9, page 175)
    by Brigitte Gabriel, year 2008, year 2010,
    St. Martin’s Press, 288 pages,
    ISBN 0312571283 * ISBN 9780312571283.


    Jonathan S. Tobin said:

    “Iranian women have courageously demonstrated
    against Khamenei’s hijab rules in the streets,
    and have been beaten and imprisoned for their trouble.”
    SOURCE: The real war on women isn’t in Washington

    by Jonathan S. Tobin, 2018 October 5

  5. Mr. Ariel Ben Solomon said:

    “During the past year-and-a-half, he [Yigal Carmon] explained, MEMRI concentrated on monitoring sermons by imams [Muslim preachers] across America.

    The results from a random sample of over 100 imams, he said, were shocking.

    The sermons were laced with incitement to kill Jews, support for global jihad and hard-core misogyny.

    A few imams, he said, preached tolerance and coexistence, but they were a small minority.”

    SOURCE: Supremacists and Jihadis form
    two-pronged attack threatening Jews in USA

    by Ariel Ben Solomon, 2019 June 26

  6. Michael B. Oren said:

    “Negotiating with a representative of the Libyan pirates in [year] 1786 [CE], Thomas Jefferson was told that the Quran commanded the destruction of ALL non-believers, Americans included.”

    SOURCE: Ally (page 41) by Michael B. Oren (former ambassador of Israel to the United States), year 2015 CE, Random House, New York

  7. Mahmoud Zahar, the co-founder of Hamas,
    who had once declared that the Jews had
    “legitimized the murder of their own children”
    and that, “removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle because it appears in the Book of Allah”,

    SOURCE: How Trump Started a
    Civil War between Hamas and a UN Agency

    by Daniel Greenfield, 2019 August 16

  8. If you want the truth about Israel
    and the Middle East, then do not waste
    your time with the FAKE NEWS
    of The New York Times and the
    Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.

    Instead, visit these web sites:


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