Friday, 2 August 2019

Antisemitism: Does Stephen Sizer Really Need a History Lesson?

The British Anglican Church Times newspaper of 19 July carried an article by Canon Angela Tilby (read it here), in which she observed, inter alia;
'There are several reasons why the Labour Party has become vulnerable to accusations of anti-Semitism (News, 12 July). The first is that, having swung so far to the left, it has forgotten the distinguished Jewish politicians who have contributed to its history. Second, sympathy for the Palestinians has led to a worrying tolerance of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories from the Nazi era, which are widespread in some pro-Palestine groups.
But there is also a hidden, perhaps more disturbing, factor behind the party’s problem with anti-Semitism, and that is the illusion that a programme of universal progress confers automatic moral superiority on those who promote it....
Anti-Semitism has Christian roots. It was vigorously promoted by the second-century heretic Marcion, who rejected the God of the Old Testament as the enemy of the kindly God and Father of Jesus. Marcion reduced scripture to an edited version of St Luke’s Gospel and a few of St Paul’s letters. Christians of a Marcionite tendency continue to contrast law and gospel, to the detriment of the former. Luther was unashamedly anti-Semitic....
....When I hear Christians contrast the simple gospel of Jesus with the “angry God of the Old Testament”, I shudder. Anti-Semitism begins in an uncritical belief in our own innocence.'
Angela Tilby's article provoked a response by a chap called Christopher John Ryecart, who I notice has taken issue with Canon Tilby before.

Our old mate the Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer, former vicar of Virginia Water, now head of the so-called Peacemakers outfit, which seems to spend a lot of its time bashing one country above all others (no prizes for guessing which), in the tradition of the vicar himself, has treated his Facebook faithful to a copy of Ryecart's response, as follows:

Now, I have no idea who Ryecart is.  But how unsavoury is his response, with its gratuitous references to the "race" of the Jews, and to what I've previously referred to as "the Khazar crap".

How strange is his seeming ignorance of the fact that the term "Anti-Semitismus" was invented in the late nineteenth century by German Jew-hater Wilhelm Marr to refer specifically to Jews, and that is why the term antisemitism (which, following the example of the Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Antisemitism, most Jews today prefer to spell without the hyphen, since there is no ideology of "semitism" and therefore no corresponding counter-ideology, only the old Judenhass under a different name) is used to refer to Jews and not to other peoples considered descendants of the Biblical Shem.

How even more unsavoury for a man of the cloth such as Sizer to echo Ryecart's  dwelling on the racial origins of a persecuted people, and how implausible that he should be unaware of the origins of the reason term "antisemitism" refers to Jews, and to Jews alone.

You don't really need a history lesson on all this ... do you, Vicar?


  1. same old catholics

  2. from JNS dot org:

    “Under the Trump administration, the United States argued that UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees] has perpetuated, rather than helped, end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by extending refugee status to the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who fled Israel during the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948.”

    SOURCE: UNRWA Leaders Accused
    of Sexual Misconduct, Ethics Violations

    from the Jewish Virtual Library:

    “Leading up to Israel's independence in [year] 1948,
    it was common for the international press to label Jews,
    not Arabs, living in the [British] mandate as Palestinians.

    It was not until years after Israeli independence
    that the Arabs living in the West Bank and
    Gaza Strip were called Palestinians.”

    SOURCE: Origin of "Palestine"

    Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    [a Somalian-born ex-Muslim] said:

    [In many Muslim countries], corrupt rulers play an intricate game to stay in power.

    Their signature move is the promise to “free” the Holy Land — that is, to eliminate the Jewish state.

    SOURCE: Anti-Semitism Is Hard to
    Unlearn but it’s Possible — Even for Ilhan Omar

    Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    [a Somalian-born ex-Muslim] said:

    There is very little freedom of expression in Muslim-majority countries, and state-owned media churn out anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda daily — as do even media groups that style themselves as critical of Muslim autocracies, such as Al Jazeera and Al-Manar.

    SOURCE: Anti-Semitism Is Hard to
    Unlearn but it’s Possible — Even for Ilhan Omar

  3. Saudi journalist Fahad al-Shammari
    declared [in a television interview] that:

    “the Palestinians are beggars,” and “have no honor”.

    PA and Jordanian incitement against Saudi Arabia
    by Yoni Ben Menachem of JCPA, 2019/7/28



    Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?


    Captain James T. Kirk said:

    “We DO NOT negotiate with those who
    threaten our lives or the lives of others.”

    SOURCE: Star Trek: Savage Trade
    (chapter 17, bottom of page 303) by Tony Daniel,
    year 2015 CE, Pocket Books, New York,
    ISBN: 9781476765501 * ISBN: 1476765502


    Cornelius Tacticus, the famous Roman historian
    who lived from year 56 CE (approximately)
    to year 120 CE said:

    “Much of Judea is thickly studded with
    villages, and the Jews have towns as well.

    Their capital is Jerusalem.

    Here stood their Temple with its boundless riches.”

    The Western World (page 141)
    by Pearson Custom Publishing, 2009 CE

    The Histories by Tacitus,
    The Jews (Book 5), paragraph 8 of 13.

    NOTE: Remember this when people
    attempt to deny that Jews lived in the Holy Land.
    Remember this when people attempt to deny
    that there was a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

  4. Jonathan S. Tobin [Editor in Chief of
    JNS dot org, Jewish News Syndicate] said:

    “Much of that animus stems from the fact that many Liberals have never forgiven the Israeli people for embracing the Israeli Right-wing coalition that Netanyahu now heads, while the Labor Zionist movement that Ben-Gurion once led became marginalized.”

    What Will History Say About Netanyahu?
    by Jonathan S. Tobin, Editor of JNS dot org, 2019/7/21

    from WikiPedia:
    History of Slavery in the Muslim World

    NOTE: Keep this for future reference,
    for the next time some ignorant person accuses
    the Jews of being responsible for slavery.

    Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan said:

    “The issue between Arabs and Israelis goes
    beyond policy disagreements. It’s deeply
    rooted in the belief systems taught in
    Muslim countries, which are anti-Semitic.”

    SOURCE: In UNHRC Speech
    Ex-Miss Iraq Sarah Idan Blasts Anti-Semitism
    Biased Media Coverage Against Israel

    by Shiryn Ghermezian 2019 July 3

    Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan said:

    “When I watched the news last month,
    why did they never report that the
    Hamas terrorist organization fired
    nearly 700 rockets at Israeli civilians
    in one weekend or that Hamas used
    Palestinians in Gaza as human shields?

    Why do they never condemn Hamas
    for initiating the attacks?

    Instead, they only show those
    killed by the response, in
    self-defense, and blame Israel.”

    SOURCE: In UNHRC Speech
    Ex-Miss Iraq Sarah Idan Blasts Anti-Semitism
    Biased Media Coverage Against Israel

    by Shiryn Ghermezian 2019 July 3

  5. Jonathan S. Tobin [Editor in Chief of
    JNS dot org, Jewish News Syndicate] said:

    “... [Alexandria] Ocasio-Cortes, [Ilhan] Omar, [Rashida] Tlaib, and others making egregious comparisons of Israel with Nazi Germany are still being treated as the “future of the Democratic party” — in the words of the Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez...”

    SOURCE: A blow to BDS in the House by Jonathan S. Tobin, 2019/7/24

    Rabbi Harry Maryles said:

    “These four freshmen congresswomen have been
    granted far more attention, influence, and power
    than any other first-term congressmen in US history!”

    SOURCE: A Word to My Readers
    by Harry Maryles, 2019 July 17

    Melanie Phillips said:

    “Yet the Democratic Party, which still attracts unquestioning support from some three-quarters of Jewish voters, has failed to discipline these women [Ilhan Omar (Democrat-Minnesota), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat-New York), Rashida Tlaib (Democrat-Michigan) and Ayanna Pressley (Democrat-Massachusetts)] — not just for their Jew-baiting, but also for their deep-dyed anti-Americanism and anti-White racism.”

    SOURCE: In Trump vs. 'the Squad,'
    American Jews have picked the wrong target
    by Melanie Phillips, 2019/7/18

    The most senior Democrat in the USA government,
    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has also condemned

    “[Ilhan] Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes
    and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s
    supporters” as “deeply offensive.”

    SOURCE: Ilhan Omar’s Pro-BDS Resolution
    Isn’t About Free Speech — It’s About Hating
    Israel and Jews
    by Adelle Nazarian, 2019/7/19

    Ilhan Omar’s Contempt for the Law:
    Trespassing, multiple traffic violations
    – and she married her brother.

  6. Not directly relevant to this post, but check this out, everyone!
    "There appears to be a systematic production line of Labour supporting antisemites setting up fake accounts and pretending to be Jewish. These accounts are then fawned over by other Labour supporters, gaining many followers at a quick rate and gaining traction in their tweets."

  7. Hitler and Stalin had no problems with Arabs. Does that mean they were not antisemitic?

  8. Antisemitism is an infection in Christianity that doesn't belong there. Marcion was a heretic, which is to say someone not teaching the truth but twisting it. Luther was not fully reformed.Dietrich Bonhoeffer was Lutheran, but not an antisemite.

    Antisemitism did not begin with Christianity. I can prove this with two words; Pesach and Purim. The same hatred that sought to exterminate the Jews also seeks to exterminate genuine Christianity. Christianity is officially the most persecuted religion in the world. Whatever happened in the past, we are now facing the same enemies. Some of them from within. Sizer is the Christian version of the self-hating Jew.

    1. Thank you very much for these insights, Ian.


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