Tuesday, 16 July 2019

The Roots & Routes of Pakistani Antsemitism

Ever wondered why anti-Israel demonstrations in the West seem to be attended by disproportionately large numbers of people of Pakistani origin and descent?

Earlier this year, in California, Pakistani-born Toronto-based journalist Raheel Raza tells a Jewish audience of the fierce antisemitism that from the late 1970s onwards swept into Pakistan "from the sands of Arabia" and which has so infected Pakistani populations at home and abroad that the "tremendous Hate Fest" that is Al Quds Day sees Pakistani men, women and children bussed in to such events (as in Toronto, and, I may add, London) and which means that even in the remotest villages of rural Pakistan illiterate inhabitants who could not find Israel on a map are filled with hate and loathing.



  1. Daniel Byman said:

    “The United States has poured billions of
    dollars into Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts...

    Much of the money went to buy conventional
    military equipment for the constant struggle
    with India, and thus did little to help
    Pakistan to fight Al Qaeda or other jihadists.

    Corrupt officials siphoned off much of the
    aid, and the money did not significantly
    improve Pakistan’s ability to fight terrorism.”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State,
    and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone
    Needs to Know
    (chapter 6, page 132)
    by Daniel Byman, Oxford University Press, year 2015,
    ISBN: 019021726X (paperback) ISBN: 9780190217266
    (paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259


    Expecting Pakistan to fight against Islamic
    terrorism is like expecting the KKK to fight
    for the civil rights of African-Americans.

    Expecting Pakistan to fight against Islamic
    terrorism is like expecting neo-Nazis
    to fight for the civil rights of Jews.

    Expecting Pakistan to fight against Islamic
    terrorism is totally irrational and illogical.


    Daniel Greenfield said:

    “In his first year in office, [President
    Barack Hussein] Obama signed off on a
    $7.5 billion aid package for Pakistan.

    The Islamic terror state repaid us by
    harboring Osama bin Laden and aiding
    Islamic terrorists killing American soldiers.

    A Tiny Minority of Half a Million Jihadists
    by Daniel Greenfield, 2018 December 3


    Daniel Greenfield said:

    This year, President Trump made drastic cuts
    to foreign aid to Pakistan after tweeting:

    “The United States has foolishly given
    Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars
    in aid over the last 15 years, and they
    have given us nothing but lies & deceit,
    thinking of our leaders as fools.”

    A Tiny Minority of Half a Million Jihadists
    by Daniel Greenfield, 2018 December 3


    Pakistan convicts doctor
    who helped find bin Laden
    by Chris Brummitt and Riaz Khan,
    Associated Press • May 24, 2012


  2. Abhorrent!



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