Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Old Droners, One Track Minds

Inminds, that is, the Muslim-initiated outfit in dear old London Town that when it's not telling nasty porkies about Israel is, well, telling nasty porkies about Israel and Israel's friends.

At least the erstwhile star of their show, Sandra Watfa (who's been absent from these dreary demos for some time, it seems) had poise and oomph. 

The grizzled geezer stumbling over the script in this Alex Seymour/Seymour Alexander video has no charisma whatsoever. If I had proof that he'd converted a single passer-by to the ignoble cause I'd eat my acubra hat.  If I had one.

So, keep on trucking, sunshine!


  1. Mr. Steven Emerson said:

    “BDS — which seeks to isolate Israel economically and culturally — is considered anti-Semitic because it singles out the world’s only Jewish state and ignores countries with far worse human rights records.”

    SOURCE: CAIR Anti-Semites Fight
    ‘Anti-Semitism Awareness’ Bill


    Mr. Eitan Fischberger (from camera dot org) said:

    ...the word “apartheid” has become associated with Israel, despite Israeli Arabs, Druze and Ethiopians serving in the highest echelons of the Israeli government, parliament and judiciary.

    Sure, racism and discrimination are endemic to every society, and always will be, but labeling Israel an apartheid state is woefully inaccurate.

    Then there is the oft-heard contention that Israel is committing a Palestinian “genocide,” even though the Palestinian population in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip continues to grow at a rapid pace.


    A prime example of this trend is the redefinition of the word “refugee,” whereby every refugee in the world sheds this status once they resettle in another country, and their descendants do not receive refugee status either.

    Only Palestinians are considered refugees even after resettling, and their descendants inherit this status indefinitely.

    SOURCE: Postmodernism and Israel:
    Fluidity of words has real-world implications

    by Eitan Fischberger, 2019 June 21


    Shmuley Boteach said:

    “Even Yitzhak Rabin was not prepared to give the Palestinians a state and that was at a time when there was still some hope that the Palestinians would agree to a settlement that would recognize the existence of a Jewish state beside a Palestinian one.

    Now most Israelis recognize this is impossible in the near future, if ever.

    The never-ending barrage of rockets from Gaza following Israel’s evacuation has shown the folly of the land-for-peace formula...”

    Trump’s Love Affair with Israel and the Jewish People
    by Shmuley Boteach, 2019 April 8

  2. “Killing civilians, particularly Jews and Americans, is deemed acceptable [by Al Qaeda] when other targets are too difficult to attack.”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State,
    and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone
    Needs to Know
    (chapter 3, page 49)
    by Daniel Byman, Oxford University Press,
    year 2015, ISBN: 019021726X (paperback)
    ISBN: 9780190217266 (paperback)
    ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259


    This quote is only about Al Qaeda,
    but should we believe that other
    radical Islamic terrorist organizations,
    with almost-identical beliefs,
    would behave differently?


    Mr. Daniel Byman said:

    “...roughly half of Palestinians say it
    [suicide bombing] is at least sometimes justified...”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State,
    and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone
    Needs to Know
    (chapter 3, page 56)
    by Daniel Byman, Oxford University Press, year 2015,
    ISBN: 019021726X (paperback) ISBN: 9780190217266
    (paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259


    Mr. Dennis Prager said:

    “According to Pew Research, approximately
    10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable
    opinion of the Islamic State and terror against
    civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”

    SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse
    But This Time America Won't Save It

    by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8,
    seen in Jewish World Review


    42% of French Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    35% of British Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    26% of American Muslims between from age 18 to 29
    believe that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    SOURCE: By the Numbers,
    a YouTube video by Raheel Raza, 2015 December 10


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