Monday 3 June 2019

"Al Quds Day" in Old London Town

See the obscene anti-Israel lies peddled on London on "Al Quds Day"  here

A pro-Israel demo disrupts proceedings:

 Marchers prove rather shy when questioned:

1 comment:

  1. “…what the Arabs envisioned was something that could
    achieve Israel shrinking to indefensible size…”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 14) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    Khaled Al Azm, who was the Prime Minister of Syria
    after the 1948 war, deplored the Arab tactics
    and subsequent exploitation of the [Palestinian]
    refugees, in his 1972 memoirs:

    “Since 1948 it was we who demanded the return of the refugees...

    while it was we [Arabs] who made them
    [Palestinians] leave [Israel]...
    We brought disaster upon...

    Arab refugees, by inviting them and bringing
    pressure to bear upon them to leave...

    Then we exploited them in executing crimes of murder,
    arson, and throwing bombs, women and children,
    all this in the service of political purposes ...”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 16) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency] altered
    its definition of refugees to include those people who
    had lived in Palestine a minimum of only two years
    preceding the 1948 conflict [in which Israel
    became an independent state].

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 18) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    In 1958, former director of UNRWA Ralph Galloway
    declared angrily while in Jordan:

    “The Arab states do NOT want to solve
    the [Palestinian] refugee problem.

    They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront
    to the United Nations, and as a weapon against Israel.

    Arab leaders do not give a damn
    whether Arab refugees live or die.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 23) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    “Notwithstanding the facts, the Arab world
    has assiduously worked to build the myth
    that no jobs were available in Arab lands
    for Arab refugees in 1948 or since…”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 22) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    “One crucial truth, among the many which have been
    obscured or deprecated, is that there have been
    as many Jewish refugees who fled or were expelled
    from the Arab countries [in year 1948] as there
    were Arab refugees from Israel, and that the Jews
    left of necessity and in flight from danger.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 2, page 25) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    Hitler’s crimes against the Jews have been frequently
    justified in Arab writings and pronouncements.

    In the 1950s, Minister Anwar Sadat published
    an open letter to Hitler, hoping he was still
    alive and sympathizing with his cause.

    Important Arab writers and political figures
    have said Hitler was “wronged and slandered…”

    Or that Hitler wanted to
    “save … the world from this malignant evil…”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine

    (chapter 3, page 37) by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications

    According to an article in The Jewish Voice,
    the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation (RBF) has made
    large and provable donations to groups with
    anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias.

    SOURCE: The Rieders Foundation Files Formal
    Complaint with NY State against Rockefeller Brothers
    Foundation BDS Ties
    by The Jewish Voice [of NY] 2019/5/23


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