Friday, 24 May 2019

“You Have the Watches, But We Have the Time"

See this oldie but goody article
To quote from this report, citing a blog by the Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist, Somalian-born Swede Mona Walter, a convert to Christianity from Islam, has been trying in vain to convince Swedes that mass Islamic immigration imperils their country's future, preferring to bury their heads in the sand than confront her stark warning that
"Islam will take over in 50 years. The demography is very clear – in 100 years it’s game over”
Warns Mona:
'For many years I have tried to get the Swedes to understand what the Muslim goal is – to take over your country. The first thing they will do is demand Sharia courts, just like in the UK....
If Sweden recognises Sharia courts the Muslims will have new demands, like permission to rule their own enclaves without interference from the Swedish society. The end goal is for Sharia to rule all of Sweden....
What Muslim politicians want is to change the laws so that Muslims in Sweden get permission to live under Sharia law. They want to rule their own areas without having to obey the secular laws of Sweden.
That is the long-term goal and Islam has lots of patience. As they say: “You have the watches, but we have the time".
Before the election on September 9 last year most Swedish journalists were hysterical about the Nazi party Nordic Resistance Movement. They got 2,106 votes, clearly showing that Swedes are not interested in National socialism.
But no one seems scared by the fact that Sweden now have approximately one million Muslims in the country, of which many have infiltrated the political parties to promote their own interests. The question is when Muslims will form their own party in Sweden....'
Ms Carlqvist, who will be no stranger to long-time readers of my blog (her video appearances attest that she's a lady as easy on the ear and eye as she's plucky and perspicacious), points out, meanwhile, inter alia here, that in 2018
"Leila Ali Elmi, a 30-year-old Somali woman, took a seat in the Swedish parliament last Sunday without uttering one word in Swedish during her campaign."
And here's an article that typifies Ms Carlqvist's opposition to the anti-Israel stance of Sweden's Margot Wallstrom and cronies.

For Muslim populations by country, 2019, see here


  1. Anthony Albanese he's not only mates with Doug Cameron but Jeremy Corbyn

  2. Muslims think they have the time, but I doubt they realize their time is limited to 14 more years at most, more likely 8 years, before Yahowah personally wipes them out and cleanses their presence from the face of the Earth in the Magog War.

  3. Mr. Dennis Prager said:

    “According to Pew Research, approximately
    10 percent of world Muslims have a favorable
    opinion of the Islamic State and terror against
    civilians. That's more than 100 million people.”

    SOURCE: The World Is Getting Worse
    But This Time America Won't Save It

    by Dennis Prager, 2016 March 8,
    seen in Jewish World Review


    42% of French Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    35% of British Muslims between from age 18 to 29 believe
    that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    26% of American Muslims between from age 18 to 29
    believe that suicide bombings against civilians can be justified.

    SOURCE: By the Numbers,
    a YouTube video by Raheel Raza, 2015 December 10


    The Myth of the Tiny
    Radical Muslim Minority

    (a YouTube video by Mr. Ben Shapiro)


    Where Are the Moderate Muslims?
    (a YouTube video by Mr. Hussein Aboubakr and Prager U)


    “… [Al Qaeda] recruits would fill out forms describing their health, age, family, and education. Religiosity was also measured, with recruits asked how much of the Qu’ran they had memorized.”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement:
    What Everyone Needs to Know
    (chapter 3, page 60) by Daniel Byman,
    Oxford University Press, year 2015, ISBN: 019021726X (paperback)
    ISBN: 9780190217266 (paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259

    PERSONAL COMMENT: Please show this quote to people who say that there is no connection between terrorism and Islam.

    “Pornographic files are commonly found on the computers captured when terrorists are arrested or killed—including the computers captured when terrorists are arrested or killed—including computers found in the Bin Laden compound.
    Nor are animals safe: a sniper rifle sight using thermal imagery captured two Taliban fighters satisfying themselves with a donkey.”

    SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement:
    What Everyone Needs to Know
    (chapter 3, page 68) by Daniel Byman,
    Oxford University Press, year 2015, ISBN: 019021726X (paperback)
    ISBN: 9780190217266 (paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217259


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