Wednesday, 1 May 2019

"No Empire Has Ever Defeated the Jewish People, and No Force, However Dark, Ever Will"

Britain's former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, on the longest hatred:
"As we approach Yom HaShoah, the day in the Jewish calendar when we remember the victims of the Holocaust, we tragically continue to see levels of antisemitism and antisemitic attacks rising in countries all over the world. Over the past year or so, working with White Animation, I have produced a mini-series of three short animated videos which seek to explain several aspects of the worrying and dangerous return of antisemitism. 
The first video looks at why antisemitism is a virus, how it has mutated over time and why its return today presents a danger not just for Jews, but for all who care about our common humanity. The second video explains what lies beneath the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, why it is so dangerous, and why Jews, people of all faiths and of none and all those who value a free society must stand up against it. 
This video explores the connection between Jews as a people, Judaism as a religion, and Israel as a state. It also shows how this connection is intrinsic to the link between antisemitism and anti-Zionism; something too often overlooked or misunderstood. 
You can watch and read the transcripts of these three videos here: Please help publicise them as widely as possible because these are messages the world needs to hear. Whatever the threats we face, we are, and have always been, proud to be Jewish and to live as Jews. Throughout history, many have tried to attack us or challenge our beliefs and way of life. And yet, throughout the generations, no empire has ever defeated the Jewish people, and no force, however dark, ever will. Am Yisrael Chai. The Jewish people lives."

1 comment:

  1. Israel’s ambassador to the United States,
    Ron Dermer, has called The New York Times:

    “a cesspool of hostility towards Israel.”


    Rabbi Benjamin Blech said:

    It is time for Jews to say to the New York Times:

    “we’ve had enough.”

    J’Accuse by Rabbi Benjamin Blech, 2014/7/30


    Rabbi Steven Pruzansky said:

    “In the genocidal war being waged
    against the Jewish people, the
    New York Times is an accomplice.”

    A New Low, a blog article
    by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, 2015/10/29


    On 2018 December 2, The New York Times
    published the article “The Hypocrisy of Hanukkah”
    by Michael David Lukas, which describes Hanukkah as:

    “an eight-night celebration of
    religious fundamentalism and violence.”

    SOURCE: The New York Times and Hanukkah
    by Jerold Auerbach, 2018 December 4


    New York Times Erases Israel from Map:


    Welcome to the world of The New York Times,
    where only Palestinian victims have names,
    ages, and sympathetic eyewitnesses:


    The New York Times LIED about Multi-Million
    Dollar Payments to Terrorists who Murdered Jews:


    Tamar Sternthal of the JointMedia News Service said:

    “On the news side, [ New York Times]
    editors refused to correct both the false report
    that a Pew survey found that nearly half of
    Israeli Jews favor expelling all Palestinians,
    as well as the completely unfounded claim
    that most of Jaffa’s Arab residents were
    forcibly expelled from their homes in 1948.”

    Anything Goes in New York Times Coverage of Israel
    by Tamar Sternthal / JointMedia News Service, 2019 April 9


    If you want the truth about Israel
    and the Middle East, then do not waste
    your time with the FAKE NEWS
    of The New York Times and the
    Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.

    Instead, visit these web sites:


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