Thursday, 30 May 2019

David Singer: Freedom from PLO and Hamas Rule awaits Gaza and West Bank Arabs

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

The announced participation of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar in the “Prosperity for Peace Conference”  in Manama on 25-26 June — jointly convened by President Trump and Bahrain (“Manama Conference”) — promises to offer unique opportunities for Gaza and West Bank Arabs to emigrate to other Arab countries to seek better lives for their families.

Tens of millions of desperate people have fled their birthplaces in recent years seeking entry illegally into other countries. There is no reason to believe that Gaza and West Bank Arabs would not similarly want to emigrate if offered the opportunity to do so legally.

Gaza and West Bank Arabs have personally suffered under the oppressive rule of Hamas in Gaza since 2006 and the Palestine Liberation Organization in the West Bank since 1993. They have not been given the opportunity at any time to determine their own future in free and fair elections— except in 2006 when the PLO refused to accept the result. A bitter internecine struggle since then has ensued between Hamas and the PLO for political control of the Gaza and West Bank Arab populations that still remains unresolved. Elections are not even being contemplated to resolve this impasse.

The policies espoused by both Hamas and the PLO in relation to Israel have wrought disaster on Gaza and West Bank Arabs both in regard to their personal lives and economic prospects for themselves and their children.

The UAE has voiced its support for the Manama Conference and what it hopes will be achieved:
“The UAE supports all international efforts aimed at supporting economic progress and increasing opportunities in the region, and alleviating the suffering of people in the region, particularly our brothers in Palestine… It (the Conference) aims to lift the Palestinian people out of misery and to enable them for a stable and prosperous future”
Hamas and the PLO are both violently opposed to the Manama Conference and have indicated they will not be attending. They are well aware of the threat an exodus from Gaza and the West Bank would pose to their hold on power and financial privilege.

Hamas — which has turned Gaza into a hell hole since Israel unilaterally disengaged from there in 2005—had the gall to declare:

“We warn Arab states against the malicious activities aimed to pave the way for normalisation with the Israeli occupation and involvement in the deal of the century”
Saeb Erekat — secretary general of the PLO — expressed his opposition against the Conference claiming: 
“there will be no economic prosperity in Palestine without the end of the occupation”
Among the many exciting initiatives expected to be presented at the Conference is Saudi Arabia’s already announced NEOM project — a planned US$500 billion mega city.

The project includes a bridge spanning the Red Sea, connecting the proposed city to Africa. Some 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers) — the size of Israel — have been allocated for the project - which will be close to the borders of Jordan and Egypt.

The opportunities for work and the prospects of enjoying happier and safer lives in being part of NEOM and other to-be announced projects would prove irresistible for Gaza and West Bank Arabs - fed up with decades of deprivation and suffering supposedly pursuing the goal of “ending the occupation” by creating another Arab State.

Hamas and PLO threats, objections and non-attendance will not see the Manama Conference cancelled.

Hamas and the PLO will be left to hang out and dry — having been responsible for prolonging the Jewish-Arab conflict that should have been resolved decades ago.
(Author’s note: The cartoon—commissioned exclusively for this article — is by Yaakov Kirschen aka “Dry Bones” — one of Israel’s foremost political and social commentators— whose cartoons have graced the columns of Israeli and international media publications for decades. His cartoons can be viewed at Drybonesblog)


  1. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “G*D will give the Jewish people strength,
    only then will the Jewish people have peace,
    and that is the lesson of the Holocaust;
    that is the lesson of Israel.

    A strong Israel is required to get peace.
    Never apologize for your strength.”


    Alan Dershowitz Dismantles the BDS Movement
    a YouTube video by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2016/7/23

    Excellent must-see pro-Israel video by
    Stephen Harper, 22nd Prime Minister of Canada
    and Prager University:

    Why Don't You Support Israel?

  2. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    The most recent Hamas provocations — having 40,000 Gazans try to tear down the border fence and enter Israel with Molotov cocktails and other improvised weapons — are part of a repeated Hamas tactic that I have called the “dead baby strategy.”

    Hamas’ goal is to have Israel kill as many Gazans as possible so that the headlines always begin, and often end, with the body count.

    Why Does the Media Keep Encouraging Hamas Violence?
    by Alan Dershowitz, 2018 May 16

    Leon Kushner said:

    “Israel is not perfect. No country is. But attacking the only Jewish state and ignoring the rest of the world’s bad players is anti-Semitic, plain and simple.”

    It’s Hard to Raise Jewish Children in an Anti-Israel World
    by Leon Kushner, 2018 July 25

    Who are the Palestinians?

  3. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “In life as in law there are statutes of limitations
    that recognize that history changes the status quo.

    The time has come — indeed it is long overdue —
    for the world to stop treating these Palestinians
    [from year 1948] as refugees.

    That status ended decades ago.”

    SOURCE: What Is a Refugee?
    by Alan Dershowitz, 2018 March 10

    Did Captain Kirk believe in
    negotiating with terrorists?

    Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Aftermath:

  4. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “The difference between Israel and Hamas [an Islamic terrorist organization] is that Israel uses its soldiers to protect its civilians, whereas Hamas uses its civilians to protect its terrorists. That is why most of Israeli casualties have been soldiers and most of Hamas' casualties have been civilians. The other reason is that Israel builds shelters for its civilians, whereas Hamas builds shelters only for its terrorists, intending that most of the casualties be among its civilian shields.”

    SOURCE: Needless death and destruction in Gaza
    by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2014 August 11


    “They [the political Leftists] hate
    the idea that certain countries
    can be better than others, and
    Israel is one of the greatest success
    stories in history of the world.

    The [political] Left does not want
    those success stories to exist.”

    Conservative activist Charlie Kirk
    speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


    Articles about American anti-Semitism:

  5. Mr. Steven Emerson said:

    “BDS — which seeks to isolate Israel economically and culturally — is considered anti-Semitic because it singles out the world’s only Jewish state and ignores countries with far worse human rights records.”

    SOURCE: CAIR Anti-Semites Fight ‘Anti-Semitism Awareness’ Bill


    More reasons why all good people should
    STOP BUYING The New York Times:


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