Friday, 22 March 2019

A Jordanian Academic Urges a Reward

Here is Jordanian professor of pharmocology Professor Eyad Qunaibi, with a "message to the Muslims of the West".

To quote the uploader,
 'In a "message to the Muslims in the West," Jordanian academic Professor Eyad Qunaibi said that the "moving and noble acts of kindness" by non-Muslims who stood alongside the victims after the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, should be rewarded - and that the best reward was to call them to Islam. 
Speaking in English in a video posted on his YouTube channel on March 19 under the title "New Zealand Attack Aftermath - The Opportunity!", Professor Qunaibi said that "the door is wide open" to add converts to the ranks of Islam and advised Muslims to take advantage of the hashtags trending on social media following the shootings to "present Islam honestly."
 In 2015, Qunaibi, a professor of pharmacology, was given a prison sentence for "incitement against the political regime" following a Facebook post in which he criticized his country's ties with Israel and the westernization of Jordanian society. He was released after serving almost a year of his sentence.'  [Emphasis added]

Meanwhile, as seen here, a Jordanian MP salutes the murder of Jews...


  1. He [Charlie Kirk] says he thought that he would see Arab “refugees living in tents,” and instead was “shocked” to find a city “with malls, shopping centers, which is 97 percent Arab,” where it was the Jews whose access to most of the city he found to be restricted.

    SOURCE: Conservative activist Charlie
    Kirk speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


    While visiting the Golan, he [Charlie Kirk]
    was equally amazed to learn how Israeli
    hospitals treated Syrians wounded in that
    country’s civil war, despite the fact that
    Syria is an enemy country. And down near
    the Gaza border, he was more than surprised
    hearing how Israel evacuated nearly 10,000
    Jewish residents from Gaza back in 2005
    for “peace,” but was rewarded with rockets
    and cross-border terrorism.

    SOURCE: Conservative activist Charlie
    Kirkspeaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


    “They [the political Leftists] hate the idea
    that certain countries can be better than others,
    and Israel is one of the greatest success stories
    in history of the world.

    The [political] Left does not
    want those success stories to exist.”

    SOURCE: Conservative activist Charlie Kirk
    speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


    A “leftist,” he [Charlie Kirk] says, will
    try to silence a person before they speak.

    SOURCE: Conservative activist Charlie Kirk
    speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel:

    by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20


    “[Rashida] Tlaib, a high-profile member
    of Congress, has been caught following a
    virulently anti-Semitic Instagram account
    —and using her official account to do so.

    Yet the press couldn’t be troubled to report it.”

    SOURCE: The media goes to bat
    for congressional anti-Semitism

    by Sean Durns, 2019 March 20

  2. The trouble is I can understand his sentiment. I believe that the best reward any one can get is to trust in Jesus Christ(Yeshua ha Moschiach). It's the nature of Mohammad and the Qur'an that is the problem.


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