Monday, 14 January 2019

"The Existential Threat to Liberal Democracies"

A searing look at the way the so-called European Court of Human Rights is bedeviling human rights in Europe.

Another on the plight of child brides in (and outside) the land of the mullahs.

And Douglas Murray on Islam's hostility to Jews, as revealed in a recent grubby incident in Britain regarding commemoration of the Holocaust.

Not inappropriately, here's long video from the Milken Institute featuring a panel discussion in London last month on mass migration into Europe, in which panellist Gemma Mortensen, who's no advocate of closed borders, nevertheless readily empathises with those of the European public who fear what she calls "the existential threat to liberal democracies" that current policies appear to pose.

The panellists who own the debate are the ever-wise Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who warns of the cultural baggage so many of the newcomers, entailing values that sit ill with European values, and which, inter alia, involve violence and misogyny), and the equally perceptive Mr Murray.


  1. “…what the Arabs envisioned was something that could achieve Israel shrinking to indefensible size…”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 2, page 14)
    by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications


    [Mohamed] Heikal [editor of the influential
    Al Ahram Egyptian newspaper, in year 1971]
    called for a change of Arab rhetoric:

    no more threats of throwing Israel into the sea;
    and a new political strategy aimed at reducing
    Israel to indefensible borders and pushing
    her into diplomatic and economic isolation.

    He predicted that “total withdrawal” would
    “pass sentence on the entire state of Israel.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 2, page 14)
    by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications


    ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said:

    “The US cannot look the other way while
    Saudi Arabia features anti-Semitic hate
    speech year after year in the educational
    material it gives to its children.”

    SOURCE: Despite Pledges of Change,
    Saudi Textbooks Still Rife With Anti-Semitism,
    New ADL Report Finds

    Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Aftermath:

    Time Magazine vs Truth:

    Who are the Palestinians?

    How Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:

    Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?

    How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

    Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

    Was Daniel an Orthodox Jew?

  2. In 1958, former director of UNRWA Ralph
    Galloway declared angrily while in Jordan:

    “The Arab states do not want to solve
    the [Palestinian] refugee problem.

    They want to keep it as an open sore,
    as an affront to the United Nations,
    and as a weapon against Israel.

    Arab leaders do not give a damn
    whether Arab refugees live or die.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 2, page 23)
    by Joan Peters, year 1984, JKAP Publications


    “One crucial truth, among the many
    which have been obscured or deprecated,
    is that there have been as many Jewish
    refugees who fled or were expelled
    from the Arab countries [in year 1948]
    as there were Arab refugees from Israel,
    and that the Jews left of necessity
    and in flight from danger.”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 2, page 25)
    by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications


    Hitler’s crimes against the Jews
    have been frequently justified
    in Arab writings and pronouncements.

    In the 1950s, Minister Anwar Sadat
    published an open letter to Hitler,
    hoping he was still alive and
    sympathizing with his cause.

    Important Arab writers and political
    figures have said Hitler was
    “wronged and slandered…”

    Or that Hitler wanted to “save …
    the world from this malignant evil…”

    SOURCE: From Time Immemorial:
    The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict
    over Palestine
    (chapter 3, page 37)
    by Joan Peters, 1984, JKAP Publications


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