Sunday, 27 January 2019

Rachel Riley Speaks Out

In The Times of 26 January, an interview with Channel 4's Countdown's numbers whizz Rachel Riley, who's Jewish, and who has been bombarded with "vile abuse" and even threats of violence since speaking out against antisemitism in Corbynista circles.

Inter alia,
'Until recently Rachel Riley had never felt particularly Jewish. “When I was a kid my mum would give us pepperoni pizza,” she said. “We’d light the menorah candles but we didn’t go to synagogue and I’ve never done Friday night.”
But now the Countdown presenter is at the forefront of the campaign against antisemitism, having suffered “hideous abuse” and physical threats from Labour activists for criticising Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to tackle it. She is even being given extra security on the programme.
Her sense of Jewish identity is stronger than ever. On Tuesday she was in parliament speaking alongside MPs at a Holocaust Educational Trust reception. “You don’t need any aspect of religion to feel a part of that group,” she said.'

1 comment:

  1. The Koran teaches that Jews are the biggest enemies of Muslims.

    The Koran’s 5th chapter, verse 82 says:

    “You will find that the people
    most hostile towards the believers
    are the Jews and the polytheists...”

    This quick and accurate and relevant quote
    from The Koran is NEVER MENTIONED
    in the Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media
    and it never will be, because
    it sends the wrong message:

    It tells the truth about Islam and Muslims.

    If you want the truth about Israel
    and the Middle East, then do not waste
    your time with the FAKE NEWS
    of The New York Times and the
    Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.

    Instead, visit these web sites:


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