Saturday, 22 December 2018

"You're No Better Than the Nazis During the Second World War!", London Israel-Haters Told (video)

On 21 December, until Sandra Watfa's stand-in begins to screech ear-assaulting invective against Israel, the Israel-haters from the Inminds seem to be doing a reasonable trade in handing out propaganda flyers against Israel to well-heeled shoppers outside De Beers in London's Bond Street.

But at least one passer-by gives the haters a dressing down.  At the start of this video (thanks, Alex Seymour, for keeping the footage in) a man who clearly supports Israel (could he be an Israeli himself?) tells the demonisers exactly what he thinks of them.


  1. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “G*D will give the Jewish people strength,
    only then will the Jewish people have peace,
    and that is the lesson of the Holocaust;
    that is the lesson of Israel.

    A strong Israel is required to get peace.
    Never apologize for your strength.”

    SOURCE: Alan Dershowitz Dismantles the BDS Movement
    a YouTube video by Alan M. Dershowitz, 2016/7/23


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “Why is Israel singled out for super-scrutiny and double-standard criticism, expected to maintain a level of moral behavior not demanded of anyone else?”

    Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (introduction chapter, page 4) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 * ISBN: 0316181374


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “We need a new term to describe this phenomenon, this double-standard, this super-scrutiny of things Jewish, this singling out of Israel.”

    Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 4, page 121) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 * ISBN: 0316181374


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “But more always seems to be demanded of the Jewish nation and of the Jewish people than of others. Jews, unlike other groups, are expected to be in the forefront of defending the rights of their sworn enemies.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 5, page 170) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “I refuse to bend over backward to single out Israel – or other things Jewish – for super-scrutiny. I refuse to gloat, as so many in academia and the media seem to, over Israel’s shortcomings.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 7, page 211) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “Critics of Israel who generally take no interest in human rights or civil liberties…

    have some explaining to do as to why they single out Israel for special condemnation.

    The same, of course, is true of nations with abominable records on human rights, who lecture and hector Israel on its lack of perfection in those areas.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 7, page 212) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374


    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “It is virtually impossible to get the United Nations to condemn any Arab terrorist group or state for any attack on Israel or Jewish institutions. Yet there is an eagerness to condemn Israel, whether Israel is right or wrong.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 7, page 225) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

  2. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “There is yet a third strain of the current virus of anti-Semitism, this one even more difficult to diagnose. Its danger lies in its subtlety, its pervasiveness, and its acceptability at all levels of our society. This is a phenomenon familiar to all of us, yet difficult to articulate and expose: the singling out of Jewish institutions and especially Israel for special scrutiny, and the application of a double-standard to Jewish things and persons.

    This phenomenon, which currently has no accepted name, assumes a variety of forms, but its most obvious manifestation is the special and often gloating attention paid by the media, [and] by intellectuals, and by the government to any deviation by Israel, no matter how trivial, from the highest norms of humans rights, civility, and sacrifice.

    Though Israel may be deserving of criticism, what is missing is the comparable criticism of equal or greater violations by other countries and other groups. This constant, often legitimate criticism of Israel for every one of it deviations, when coupled with the absence of legitimate criticism of others, creates the impression currently prevalent on university campuses and in the press that Israel is among the worst rights violators in the world.
    We have all heard that phrase repeated many times. It is not true, but if it is repeated often enough, it takes on a reality of its own.”

    SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz (chapter 4, page 119) published in year 1991 by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374


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