Monday, 15 October 2018

On French TV, Hate & Hypocrisy: A French oleh tells

This is a guest blog by French oleh Abraham Chicheportiche, entitled Al Dura Season 2 by French TV France 2

He writes:

A report broadcast on the program Envoyé spécial is angering Israel and French Jews.

Elise Lucet, a journalist at France 2, presented Gaza, a Crippled Youth, a documentary by Yvan Martinet.

Yvan Martinet is a great admirer of the propagandist Charles Enderlin, fount of the Al Durrah (or Dura) trickery, and Paul Moreira -- Paul Moreira with his anti-Israeli activist friends of the NGO Reporters Without Borders has seized the International Criminal Court (ICC) concerning "war crimes committed by the Israeli army against Palestinian journalists", (Seen on RSF website ).

Yvan Martinet tweeted "Thanks" to Charles Enderlin, who congratulated him.

On Wednesday, the eve of the broadcast, the ambassador of Israel in France, Aliza Bin Noun, asked the presidency of France Television to "reconsider the dissemination of the report" expressing concern "about the harmful and dangerous repercussions that it could engender on the Jewish community of France ".

Denouncing an "unbalanced point of view" on the situation in Gaza and the "very negative" vision of Israel, the diplomat asserts that "such content is likely to incite hatred against Israel" and by extension to the Jews of France, "because of a frequent and distressing amalgam between Jews and Israel".

The Central Jewish Consistory of France (CCIF), an institution representative of French Jews, had also lobbied France 2 to prevent the broadcast of the documentary, via a letter signed by its president Joel Mergui: denouncing a subject "very committed, to the limited bias, with no other possible reading pattern than the outright condemnation of Israel".
"You are obviously not without knowing the close link between the resurgence of antisemitism in France and the detestation of Israel, fueled by such programs."
In his letter, Joel Mergui also hopes that the report makes "mention of crippled Israel to maintain a certain objectivity", and concludes: 
"I leave to your proper appreciation the responsibility to measure the relevance of such a broadcast."
On Thursday afternoon, the president of the Crif (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France) Francis Kalifat announced on Twitter that he had "alerted Delphine Ernotte on the lively emotion" caused by the trailer of the report, adding:
"The service the public must not participate in spreading the hatred of Israel whose dramatic consequences are known to the Jewish French."
On Tuesday, the UDI deputy of French nationals abroad, Meyer Habib, elected in the constituency comprising the French of Israel, had already accused France 2 of "propaganda", "visceral anti-Israeli obsession", and "to prepare the ground for future antisemitic violence, if not an attack against the Jews of France ".  He declares: 
"This has been proven and acknowledged, including by Hamas dignitaries: almost all the young people killed or wounded were Hamas activists, sent to death by the jihadist organization".
A demonstration attended by dozens of people also took place on Wednesday evening at the headquarters of France Télévisions in Paris, to protest against the broadcast of the report.

Former France2 TV correspondent Charles Enderlin (a Jew and the source of the Al Dura Affair), now retired, on his side hailed on Twitter a "balanced subject from the point of view of journalistic ethics":
"We see tragedy, hatred, consequences of blockade, confinement, poverty, unemployment, the lack of a future".
The Union of France 2 journalists' society also lent its support to the authors of the report: "Target of criticism even before its diffusion, the journalistic work carried out is irreproachable".

To sum up, #Special Envoy #eliselucet #yvanmartinet have the support of Charles Enderlin and Paul Moreira (two notorious anti-semites), SDJ FRANCE2, L'Express, Le Monde, L'Obs, Telerama ... and imported antisemites.

What trash! France 2 persists in inciting hatred of Jews.

 Hamas commits war crimes according to the Geneva Convention. The French state claims to fight antisemitism and at the same time gives a green light to public TV channels to broadcast Hamas propaganda to excite the antisemites.

How hypocritical!


  1. ===================================
    How French Police Handle Anti-Jewish Attacks

    Judge after judge told him [Sammy Ghozlan,
    a 72-year-old retired Paris police commissioner]:

    “There is no anti-Semitism charge applicable unless someone dies.”

    New Dangers for the Jews of Paris
    by Marie Brenner, Vanity Fair magazine,
    August 2015, page 114

    France's Relentless Hostility
    to the Jewish State
    In France, Anti-Semitism Is
    a Hatred That Cannot Be Named

  2. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman [an Orthodox Rabbi] spoke out against
    those Jews who plan their vacations for locations like:
    Switzerland, FRANCE or Italy where the people hate Jews.

    [He said:] "It would be better to visit the Land of Israel to
    benefit from its holiness and help our brothers economically."

    SOURCE: Flatbush Jewish Journal, 2010/6/17, page 32

    Rabbi Yisroel Reisman is a contemporary Orthodox Rabbi.

    “On March 7 [of 1936 CE] he [Adolph Hitler] ordered troops to march into the Rhineland and occupy it. Surprisingly, French military forces did not retaliate.
    Hitler had taken possession of the region without firing a single shot.”

    SOURCE: Mein Kampf: Hitler’s Blueprint for Aryan Supremacy (page 69) by Duane Damon, year 2003 CE, Lucent Books, Michigan, ISBN10: 1560068000

    A ban on renting apartments to Jews on France’s Cote d’Azur reportedly has not been changed since it was enacted under the World War II-era Vichy government.

    The law requires that applicants for certain apartments attest that they are:

    “French, non-Jews, and not married to a Jew, in the legal sense currently in effect.”
    The newspaper Nice-Matin, which discovered the law, reported that Jews who wish to buy an apartment in Nice must pay an extra $1,000 to $10,000 in notary fees to get around these articles, and that such arrangements are probably in effect in other towns in France as well.

    The Jewish Herald, 2007 March 9, article on page 8, The Jewish Herald,
    1689 48th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204,, (718) 972-4000

    French more accepting of infidelity than people in other countries
    (article for Pew Research by Richard Wike 2014/1/14):

    Only 47% of French people agreed that marital infidelity is unacceptable.
    This percentage was the lower than all other nations studied.


    “Like many Americans with dreams of Paris who confront Paris, they have found that they are living in a grouchy, heavily over-administered country, where everyone is socialized to be negative in the first instance, and where the small details of life are made as wrenchingly difficult as possible…”

    SOURCE: The View from a Bridge by Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker magazine, 2014 December 8, page 45


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