Saturday, 25 August 2018

Stephen Sizer in De Nile

Comrade Corbyn in London in July. Photo: Chris Ratcliffe/Getty images
Among the almost daily revelations of the antisemitism rife within the ranks of the Corbynistas, from the odious  Corbyn himself downwards, is this Daily Mail report of 24 August.

Inter alia, we are told (emphasis added):
'Jeremy Corbyn accused British "Zionists" of having "no sense of English irony" despite having "lived in Britain all of their lives", in comments that have been slammed by Jewish groups as anti-Semitic, MailOnline can reveal.
The remarks were made in 2013, when Corbyn was giving a speech alongside prominent British extremists, at a London conference promoted by the propaganda website of terror group Hamas.  [Video at source]
The Labour leader said: "[British Zionists] clearly have two problems. One is they don't want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don't understand English irony either."
He added: "They needed two lessons, which we could perhaps help them with."
.... The Labour leader made the comments at a conference at Friends House in Euston. The event was advertised online by Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades, which is designated a terrorist group by Britain, the EU, the United States and other countries.
In one of the speeches, made by 9/11 conspiracy theorist Alan Hart, "Zionism" was described as a "cancer at the heart of international affairs". It was also called a "monster" and compared to Nazi Germany.
The programme of speakers included a range of anti-Semites, homophobes and conspiracy theorists. Several were connected to Hamas. One called for attacks on the Royal Navy in the past, and led a boycott of Holocaust Memorial Day.
In addition, a number have been formerly associated with the Labour leader, or supported by him....
Another speaker, Reverend Stephen Sizer, was later banned from social media after suggesting that Israel was behind the 9/11 attack on the twin towers. 
Corbyn wrote a letter defending him, saying he was "under attack" by a pro-Israeli smear campaign.
 ....The explosive revelations will increase the pressure on Corbyn to resign as he struggles to contain the anti-Semitism crisis engulfing his party....'
In response, Sizer, now CEO of the so-called Peacemaker Trust, has posted on Facebook:

Never banned from using social media?

Sizer would appear to have a memory lapse.  In response to his shameful January 2015 Facebook post above (screenshot and sent to the Anglo-Jewish press by Yours Truly), his then boss, the Bishop of Guildford, announced, inter alia (emphasis added):
"By associating with or promoting subject matter, which is either ambiguous in its motivation, or (worse still) openly racist, he has crossed a serious line. I regard these actions as indefensible....
In order for Stephen to remain in parish ministry, I have therefore asked for - and received from him - a solemn undertaking, in writing, that he is to refrain entirely from writing or speaking on any theme that relates, either directly or indirectly, to the current situation in the Middle East or to its historical backdrop.
He has promised to refrain, with no exceptions, from attendance at or participation in any conferences which promote or are linked to this agenda; from all writing, tweeting, blogging, emailing, preaching and teaching on these themes, whether formally or informally – a prohibition which of course includes posting links to other sites; and from all background work in this area which may resource others to act as spokespeople in Stephen’s stead.
Should Stephen be deemed by the Diocese to have broken this agreement, in letter or in spirit, he has pledged to offer me his immediate resignation, which I will duly accept. He has also agreed to desist from the use of social media entirely for the next six months, after which he and I will review that prohibition...."
In 2014, he attended a reprehensible conference in Iran that included the following delightful session:

Sizer (who apparently addressed the conference in a different session on "The Israeli Lobby in England") was not a speaker, so far as I am aware, in that particular session.   But it's surely deeply disturbing that a vicar-cum-"peacemaker mediator" should have been at that particular conference at all.  (See here)

 That same year this appeared on Facebook:

Somewhat "suggestive", eh?  (Glad to jog your memory, vicar!)


  1. Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    “In life as in law there are statutes of limitations that recognize that history changes the status quo.

    The time has come — indeed it is long overdue — for the world to stop treating these Palestinians [from year 1948] as refugees. That status ended decades ago.”

    SOURCE: What Is a Refugee? by Alan Dershowitz, 2018 March 10

    Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

    The most recent Hamas provocations — having 40,000 Gazans try to tear down the border fence and enter Israel with Molotov cocktails and other improvised weapons — are part of a repeated Hamas tactic that I have called the “dead baby strategy.”

    Hamas’ goal is to have Israel kill as many Gazans as possible so that the headlines always begin, and often end, with the body count.

    SOURCE: Why Does the Media Keep Encouraging Hamas Violence?
    by Alan Dershowitz, 2018 May 16

    “Israel is not perfect. No country is.

    But attacking the only Jewish state and ignoring the rest of the world’s bad players is anti-Semitic, plain and simple.”

    SOURCE: It’s Hard to Raise
    Jewish Children in an Anti-Israel World

    by Leon Kushner 2018 July 25

    Time Magazine vs Truth:

    Who are the Palestinians?

    How Torah Can Defeat Terrorism:

    How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

    Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?

    Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

    Was Daniel an Orthodox Jew?

  2. Show me your friends....
    Steven Sizer pushes antisemitic conspiracy theory, Jeremy Corbyn defends him as a victim of the Lobby – David Hirsh
    Sometimes Church of England vicar Steven Sizer makes criticisms of Israel but sometimes he indulges in antisemitic conspiracy theory about Jews. Too often his compassion for ‘the oppressed’ is overwhelmed by his passionate anger with ‘the oppressors’. He tends to reach for ready-made ways of expressing that anger and for ready-made ways of making sense of what his emotions see as relentless and murderous Jewish power.

    Jeremy Corbyn often takes sides with antisemites against Jews. The picture on the right shows Jeremy Corbyn making his comments about Zionists having difficulties with ‘English’ irony, with Sizer in the audience. In 2012, Corbyn wrote a letter to Sizer’s Church saying:


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