Tuesday, 17 July 2018

A Zionist, A Flag, & Mr Plod

The following scene, captured by Alex Seymour/Seymour Alexander, took place at the end of June in the University of London district.

While Sandra Watfa inveighs against Israel in her customary manner the redoubtable Jonathan Hoffman hoves into view.

Brandishing an Israeli flag, he has a message of his own, and resumes his patch even after Mr Plod arrives to give him a pep talk ....


Another Seymour video, this one showing the crowd outside Windsor Castle when President Trump called on the Queen:

For anti-Israel activists among the UK anti-Trump crowd see David Collier's latest post here

1 comment:

  1. International journalists avoid criticizing Muslims because they know that any criticism of Muslims or Islam or Arabs can cause them to become targets of terrorists.

    One example: Daniel Pearl was murdered by Muslim terrorists:

    So far as I know, Israel does not inflict any punishment or penalty on journalists who treat Israel unfairly; therefore, the same journalists who would never dream of criticizing Muslims feel free to attack Israel relentlessly.

    Most Americans do not know that the number of international journalists in Israel is greater than the number of international journalists in all 22 Arab nations combined.

    My suggestion to the government of Israel (in the extraordinarily-unlikely scenario where they would actually listen to me) is that no journalists be admitted to Israel, except those have proven themselves to be pro-Israel.

    Any international journalist who attacks Israel unfairly should be eternally banned from entering Israel, and also all employees of the organization that employed the journalist who attacked Israel.

    International journalists who falsely slander Israel or reveal Israel's military secrets should be thrown in jail.

    Israel-bashing newspapers that should be eternally banned from entering Israel include: The New York Times, The Guardian and the BBC.

    Who are the Palestinians?


    Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?


    Mr. Patrick Condell has no Jewish ancestors
    and no religion that might cause him to favor Jews.

    Please read these short pro-Israel articles that
    expose the Palestinians by Mr. Patrick Condell:










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