Saturday, 12 May 2018

In London, A Tonge-Lashing for Pro-Israel Protesters (video)

Outside the Israeli Embassy in London on 11 May, an anti-Israel "Solidarity With Gaza" rally staged by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (and others) is challenged by vociferous pro-Israel counter-demonstrators.

At 8:50 on the video enter, stage right, none other than the loathsome Baroness (Jenny) Tonge, whose tongue-lashing of the pro-Israel crowd is barely audible, since they all but drown her out.


Video by Alex Seymour aka Seymour Alexander (whose sentiments regarding this event are, of course, very different from mine).

Meanwhile, in the Emerald Isle:

1 comment:

  1. And in the light of Israel's Eurovision win, a spiteful tweet from an Irish Israel-hater:


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