Wednesday, 4 April 2018

In Suburban London, Israel-Haters Act Out Their Fantasies (video)

Plenty of Corbynistas here, I'd guess.

In the leafy London suburb of Richmond (not to be confused with Richmond, Yorkshire, of which the "Sweet Lass" was a denizen), a nutty piece of Israel-demonising "street theatre" featuring old codgers in camouflage gear, elderly ladies swathed in what resemble the cast off medieval-style garments of that great English eccentric Dame Edith Sitwell, and bewildered-looking kids doing their best to follow the choreography.

Most busy shoppers give this bizarre Israel-demonising performance, the brainchild of the Kingston & Richmond Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) branch, a wide berth, cursorily glancing with puzzled looks, and then moving swiftly on, leaving the players and their keffiyeh-wearing cheerleaders to waste their sourness on the suburban air.

Vile as this sicko little drama is, I reckon the spectacular ham acting of the lady with the "heart attack" deserves a British Comedy Award!

(A MrAlexSeymour video; his spiel about the performance can be found beneath the video on YouTube)


  1. “The conquests of Islam made Jews the subjects of Arab and Muslim rulers in a wide swath of land, stretching from the Atlantic coast of Morocco to the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan. Being non-Muslims, these Jews held the inferior status of dhimmi, which, despite giving them protection to worship according to their own faith, subjected them to many vexatious and humiliating restrictions in their daily lives.”

    SOURCE: In Ishmael’s House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands (introduction chapter, page xx) by Martin Gilbert, year 2010, published by Yale University Press

    Mr. Patrick Condell has no Jewish ancestors
    and no religion that might cause him to favor Jews.

    Please read these short pro-Israel articles that
    expose the Palestinians by Mr. Patrick Condell:

    Thank you!

  2. “In the 5th century [of the Common Era] Yemen [the land immediately south of Saudi Arabia] adopted Judaism as its religion.

    King Ab Karib Asad, the ruler of the Himyarite kingdom, introduced the change after converting to Judaism himself under the influence of Jews at his court. Many south Arabian converts to Judaism followed. Jewish rule in Yemen lasted almost 100 years.”

    SOURCE: In Ishmael’s House:
    A History of Jews in Muslim Lands

    (chapter 1, page 5) by Martin Gilbert,
    year 2010, published by Yale University Press

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