Thursday, 8 March 2018

Israel/Palestine: A Swarthmore Education

Ah, left-liberals. Dontcha just, well, quake at their Mary Poppins view of the world?

Perusing the Winter 2018 (sic) issue of The Bulletin, alumni magazine of Swarthmore College, the egghead left-liberal Quaker college in Pennsylvania whose Hillel chapter caused a rumpus a few years ago, my eye fell upon a feature about a member of the class of 2007 who, to quote the item's header,
"wants to change the negative narratives about Muslims that dominate the media."
We read of this (non-Muslim) holder of a doctorate about 18th and 19th century women dramatists:
"As founding executive director of the Massachusetts chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim civil-rights group in the country, he says the importance of his work has intensified in the last year.
The stereotypes about Muslims are around violence or lack of belonging,” says [he]. “The more that we can introduce positive stories of people who are serving their country, who are going through the challenges of adolescence, who are struggling to belong in the same way that many other Americans are, the more we are going to impact how Americans of all backgrounds view Muslims.”
In the face of ignorance and hatred, Robbins is motivated by the proactive efforts of advocacy. CAIR’s programs include anti-bullying seminars with teachers, administrators, and parents; meeting with elected officials and getting American Muslims involved in the political process; and responding to speaking requests from the community to learn who Muslims are and what they believe....
[His] team helped organize a protest in Boston’s Copley Square [to which]
“People brought hundreds of these incredibly passionate and moving signs ...Signs about their Jewish identity, or the fact that they were immigrants or refugees or children of immigrants or refugees, or that this was not the world they wanted for their kids.”
I gather these are glimpses into the demo described, replete with pacifists, placards, pussy hats, and islamophiles, ignoring what should be every left-liberal's target for excoriation, the subjugation of women in Islam.  How many adherents or supporters of the so-called highly mischievous Jewish Voice for Peace organisation are among that lot, I dread to think.

Regular readers of my blog will know that I have posted about Swarthmorean ("Swattie") campus liberalism before, in regard to Israel.  Here, for example, where I discussed the influence of alumnus ('06) and academic Sa'ed  Adel Atshan, who's on record as stating:
"It is essential to talk about Israel/Palestine, considering that Israel is the world's largest  recipient of US aid...
I dream of a binational secular democratic state in Israel/Palestine that provides equal rights to all citizens and inhabitants of the Holy Land (Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Christians and Muslims) regardless of ethno-religious affiliation.
 I believe that we can and will realize this within our lifetime."   [Emphasis added]
Since then, through popular demand, he's been made a tenure track member of the teaching staff in the Peace and Conflict Studies Program.

Among the alumna of that program are a pair of young female Jewish progressives whose website contains such propaganda as this:
'.... Human Rights Hummus: Voices of the Holy Land focuses on the personal narratives of those living within Israel and the West Bank. We do not refer to the current situation in Israel/Palestine as a “conflict.” A “conflict” implies two equal sides. Israel, however, enjoys one of the strongest militaries in the world alongside massive funding from the United States, while Palestinians maintain neither statehood nor an army. Furthermore, there is international consensus, including by the UN , that the situation in the Territories is legally characterized as a military occupation. In fact, Israel sustains the longest-standing military occupation in human history. Jewish Voice for Peace describes, “The Israeli Occupation can be understood as a system of military rule under which Palestinians are denied civil, political and economic rights and subjected to systematic discrimination and denial of basic freedom and dignity”. This podcast explores how ongoing occupation affects the everyday lives of Palestinians and Israelis alike, as well as how basic human rights have become one of the key casualties.'
And whose list of resources, singularly imbalanced, may be seen here

Perniciously,  their website also contains this message:
'We at Human Rights Hummus believe in the power of education to change the world. If you are interested in teaching the Occupation in your classroom, do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help. We will post sample lesson plans and syllabi here. Check back or email us for more information.'
Meanwhile, the "education" of Swarthmore's Peace and Conflict Studies students is being supplemented by Siraj, as seen below.  Explained its Facebook page (12 January):
"Swarthmore group had the unique opportunity to visit cultural and historical sites in hebron including the Old City, Glass Factory ,kufiya factory and Ibrahim Mosque."
And at the latter, to hide their shameful female bodies, the modern young misses, obediently shunted behind the males, seem to have happily donned grotesque gowns that made them look like a cross between the Ku Klux Klan and executioners at an auto-da-fé!

That's progressivism for you!

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