Tuesday, 27 February 2018

All Eyes on Jerusalem U

Have you discovered Jerusalem U yet?

Jerusalem U, in its own words, 
" engages, educates and empowers young Jews to connect with Israel, Judaism and the Jewish people with award-winning feature documentary films, short films, film-based and immersive educational experiences, and Israel education thought-leadership videos ....
Jerusalem U's award-winning Feature Films engage, educate and empower young Jews to find themselves in the story of Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel.Our documentaries and Video Classes, together with our uniquely formulated educational experiences - such as the exclusive Core 18 young adult leadership program, immersive Gap Year course, and intensive professional development workshop for educators - provide a platform to connect to the fundamental values, identity, and goals of students and teachers alike...."
Its website is brimming with invaluable resources, but is labyrinthine (I'm a mere novice at navigating it!), and best checked out in this respect at leisure, for there's so much to see and so much to miss if in a hurry.

There are blogs a-plenty, including the useful current one above

The videos are top-notch, and there are brainteasers such as these, aimed at engaging and empowering students faced with campus hostility to and vilification of Israel. 

Click on each thumbnail's caption to view the video concerned

As the website says of these videos:
"Lesson Goals: 
Learn about the different types of anti-Israel scenarios common on campus and explore ways to address them as a college student
Learning Objectives:
Students will think through three different campus scenarios and brainstorm ways to address them.
Students will learn about campus resources for dealing with challenging discussions or situations."
 An example of the many other videos featured on the website (dates to 2014 but still worth a whirl):

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