Wednesday, 28 February 2018

"An Illegitimate State That Should Be No More"

One month ago at this event in London under the auspices of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, garrulous George Galloway, in fine demagogic style, and fit to burst a blood vessel, raises many a chuckle from his Israel-hating listeners with his eloquent inveighing against "the giant orangutan" Donald Trump, against the "gangsterism" of Binyamin Netanyahu, against Jews who have strayed  off the path of righteousness by supporting  Zionism ("We hate Zionism", George explains).

The bit about Israel being "an illegitimate state that should be no more" comes at about 4:15

George preludes his inveighing with tips on how to be in good standing with one's Maker on the Day of Judgment, and he pays elaborate tribute to Jews who are not Zionist, exulting at their existence (but overlooking the slight problem, of course, that Jews who are not Zionist in some sense are a very minute proportion of world Jewry indeed).

Oh, and he explains that "we" (does that mean all his audience?) are not anti-Jewish.


 Very droll:

 And droller:

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

All Eyes on Jerusalem U

Have you discovered Jerusalem U yet?

Jerusalem U, in its own words, 
" engages, educates and empowers young Jews to connect with Israel, Judaism and the Jewish people with award-winning feature documentary films, short films, film-based and immersive educational experiences, and Israel education thought-leadership videos ....
Jerusalem U's award-winning Feature Films engage, educate and empower young Jews to find themselves in the story of Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel.Our documentaries and Video Classes, together with our uniquely formulated educational experiences - such as the exclusive Core 18 young adult leadership program, immersive Gap Year course, and intensive professional development workshop for educators - provide a platform to connect to the fundamental values, identity, and goals of students and teachers alike...."
Its website is brimming with invaluable resources, but is labyrinthine (I'm a mere novice at navigating it!), and best checked out in this respect at leisure, for there's so much to see and so much to miss if in a hurry.

There are blogs a-plenty, including the useful current one above

The videos are top-notch, and there are brainteasers such as these, aimed at engaging and empowering students faced with campus hostility to and vilification of Israel. 

Click on each thumbnail's caption to view the video concerned

As the website says of these videos:
"Lesson Goals: 
Learn about the different types of anti-Israel scenarios common on campus and explore ways to address them as a college student
Learning Objectives:
Students will think through three different campus scenarios and brainstorm ways to address them.
Students will learn about campus resources for dealing with challenging discussions or situations."
 An example of the many other videos featured on the website (dates to 2014 but still worth a whirl):

Sunday, 25 February 2018

David Singer: Abbas Dumps Trump, Embraces United Nations

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas signed his own suicide note after another blistering attack on
America in the United Nations Security Council on 20 February.
Abbas told the Security Council:
“The United States has contradicted itself and contradicted its own commitments and has violated international law and the relevant resolutions with its decision regarding Jerusalem. So, it has become impossible today for one country or State alone to solve a regional or international conflict without the participation of other international partners. Therefore, to solve the Palestine question, it is essential to establish a multi-lateral international mechanism emanating from an international conference and in line with international law and the relevant resolutions.”
Exiting the meeting immediately after this verbal barrage – Abbas did not hear US Ambassador to
the UN – Nikki Haley – giving him this serve:
“I will decline the advice I was recently given by your top negotiator, Saeb Erekat. I will not shut up. Rather, I will respectfully speak some hard truths. The Palestinian leadership has a choice to make between two different paths. There is the path of absolutist demands, hateful rhetoric, and incitement to violence. That path has led, and will continue to lead, to nothing but hardship for the Palestinian people. Or, there is the path of negotiation and compromise. History has shown that path to be successful for Egypt and Jordan, including the transfer of territory. That path remains open to the Palestinian leadership, if only it is courageous enough to take it.”
Haley was still smarting from Erekat's intemperate "shut up" outburst on 31 January when he 
also described Haley as "impudent" – whilst Abbas’s two hour anti-American diatribe on 14
January and Abbas’s refusal to meet American Vice-President Mike Pence also contributed to
Abbas's public dressing down.

Abbas is perfectly entitled to choose the United Nations path to pursue his agenda seeking to
create a second Arab State in former Palestine – in addition to Jordan which comprises 78% of
former Palestine. However he cannot possibly achieve that result facing a certain US veto in the Security Council.

Haley made Abbas's choices and America's intentions crystal-clear  – warning Abbas:
"You can choose to denounce the United States, reject the U.S. role in peace talks, and pursue punitive measures against Israel in international forums like the UN. I assure you that path will get the Palestinian people exactly nowhere toward the achievement of their aspirations. Or, you can choose to put aside your anger about the location of our embassy, and move forward with us toward a negotiated compromise that holds great potential for improving the lives of the Palestinian people. Putting forward old talking points and entrenched and undeveloped concepts achieves nothing. That approach has been tried many times, and has always failed. After so many decades, we welcome new thinking."
Choosing the United Nations over direct negotiations with Israel will disqualify the PLO from
participating in Trump’s proposed "ultimate deal" to end the Arab-Jewish conflict  – details of which
still remain shrouded in secrecy.

President Trump's "new thinking" could see Jordan and Egypt replacing the PLO in future
negotiations with Israel to determine the allocation of sovereignty between these three States in
Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza – the last remaining 5% of the territory of the Mandate
for Palestine still claimed by both Arabs and Jews. 

Abbas's "new thinking"  – claiming [here too] Palestinian Arabs are descended from the long-extinct
Canaanites – grossly insulted the Security Council's intelligence.

Abbas has committed political suicide, dumping Trump and embracing the United Nations.  Trump's
response will be far-reaching and the consequences dire for those whom Abbas purports to represent.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

In Delhi, Let's Play Dress Up!

What strange dudes lefties are.  I mean, really!  Justin Trudeau and his family don their versions of Indian garb and manage to offend their hosts in the process.

Isn't this sort of thing what lefties normally call "cultural appropriation" anyway?  Hoist by their own petard!

Here, while visiting a Delhi mosque, the Canadian prime minister wears western dress while the female chattels daughter and the missus are fully wrapped up in misogynistic Islamic fashion.

Such over-the-top hypocrisy!  Such a betrayal of women and girls.  More fool the wife for going along with it.

A not irrelevant new article from Giulio Meotti, here:

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Bibi: "The Israeli Intelligence Services Thwarted the Downing of an Australian Plane"

An Etihad Airways plane on the tarmac
"The Israeli intelligence services thwarted the downing of an Australian plane, an unimaginable slaughter. This would have caused a major disruption in global air transport and this is only one of dozens of terrorist attacks we have foiled around the world. I think that Israeli intelligence must be thanked for protecting not only Israelis but many civilians around the world."

That's what Binyamin Netanyahu has revealed today.

 To quote the Sydney Morning Herald (one of the Fairfax stable of Aussie newspapers, not known for their love of Israel):
 'His comments, during a speech in Jerusalem to US Jewish leaders, followed a statement from the Israeli army that a branch of military intelligence known as "Unit 8200" had foiled an "aerial attack abroad by Islamic State".
Israeli media said the army statement referred to an attempted bombing in July of an Etihad Airways flight due to leave Sydney for Abu Dhabi, which was foiled by Australian security forces before the plane took off.
An Australian man had sent his brother to Sydney Airport to catch the flight carrying a home-made bomb disguised as a meat-mincer, built at the direction of a senior Islamic State commander, Australian police said.
He caught the flight without his checked baggage after it was rejected at a Sydney Airport check-in counter because it was too heavy.
He then travelled to Lebanon, the Lebanese interior minister said.
Days after the alleged plot was revealed, Lebanon's interior minister said Beirut had monitored the brothers for more than a year and had worked with Australian authorities to disrupt the attack.
A number of men were arrested in raids across Sydney last July relating to the alleged plot.
Two have been charged with acting in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act.'
 More of Bibi's remarks to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations:

"I’ll start with three thank-yous. The first one is to President Trump. This is the first convening of the Conference of Presidents after his historic decision on Jerusalem, which touched all of our hearts. The second thank you is to you for your continual support for the State of Israel over many years. I’ve known it personally. I’ve known you personally. And I know how that animates you and motivates you and forms the essence of your beings. The third thank you is to the Israel intelligence forces. We revealed today that Israel’s intelligence services prevented the shooting down of an Australian airliner, and I can tell you that this is one of many, many such actions that we did preventing terrorism around the world. They deserve all your support, not only for protecting the people of Israel, but protecting people everywhere around the world.
 Our relationship with the United States is the indispensable alliance and it is different from anything else. It is an absolute foundation of our security. We enjoy the support of the American people and it’s actually been growing, growing, growing steadily.
I think part of the reason is sitting in this room. Because I think you form the indispensable link to the indispensable alliance. The other is in the people who I just met in the other room. They are Christian friends of Israel, and the others are the broad American public that understands that Israel stands for what America stands. That Israel in many ways is what the enemies of both our countries believe. We’re part and parcel of that same civilization. And I think this alliance is one of the things that makes a better world and a safer world.
I want to thank you for nurturing it. I want to thank you for standing up for Israel, standing by Israel, standing up for the truth time and again.
We’ll meet again next year right here in Jerusalem, the united capital, forever united, of the State of Israel. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it deeply."  (Emphasis added)

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

In America, Pop Go The Gullible

Da'awa lite
Yep. Easy does it, and pop go the gullible.

Contrary to what you may imagine from these screenshots from the featured video, the ladies of small-town Michigan aren't the only gullible folk.  Be sure to see the entire video for the proof.  But first, the background. 

In a recent post on his blog, Leo Hohmann, described as "a veteran journalist and author of the 2017 book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad," writes, inter alia:
' .... To offset the friction caused by the aggressive Islamization put forth by CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood uses other groups to present a more friendly face. For this, the Brotherhood uses groups like ISNA [Islamic Society of North America], ICNA [Islamic Circle of North America] and MAS [Muslim American Society].
That's why the city of Center Line [in Michigan has hosted, on Saturday,10 February] a Know Your Muslim Neighbor event at its public library ... compliments of MAS.
The problem, says Philip Haney, an expert on Sharia and retired Homeland Security officer who worked in counter-terrorism for more than a decade, is that the MAS partner ICNA was named in the Explanatory Memorandum published in 1991 by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the document that explains the Brotherhood’s strategy to infiltrate and dominate the U.S. from within. All of its outreach efforts are part of this seditious plan and fall under the umbrella of what the Brotherhood calls “civilization jihad.”  [Emphasis added, here and below]
“These MAS-sponsored Know Your Muslim Neighbor events have been going on in cities throughout Michigan and the U.S. for years,” Haney said.
 The video below shows snippets of how they unfold. The events focus on half-truths and inconsequential facts, like that great Middle-Eastern food and those stylish head-scarves donned by the women....
But there’s more than meets the eye going on at these meetings, says Haney....
The MAS works closely with the Islamic Circle of North America or ICNA.
“Dawah is their specialty,” Haney said.
Dawah is an Arabic word meaning “proselytization.”
“People who do dawah are called Dawiya, which means missionary or what we call outreach in the secular arena,” Haney explained....
Dawah is a form of peaceful, civilizational jihad, used to establish Islam in the minds of a people not familiar with it. The ultimate goal is to elevate Islam to the point where it becomes the dominant religion in the community and anyone who resists will find themselves marginalized and considered “less than.” This is the hallmark of Sharia.
“In their campaigns three to five years ago they emphatically denied they had any intention of implementing Sharia law in America,” Haney said. “But then when it became obvious that wasn’t true, with people like Linda Sarsour talking openly about Sharia, they switched it up to say it’s being practiced but it’s compatible with the Constitution so it’s OK, don’t worry about it. And if you think it’s a threat you are an Islamophobe, you’re an extremist.
“It all ties in. It always will until it all finally gets resolved,” Haney said.
... Dhimmified!
Haney believes a time is coming when America will have to make a choice. It’s the same choice that has already been made in the UK, Germany and Sweden — to either confront this ideology of Sharia or allow it to dominate and control what non-Muslims are allowed to say or write in public. Those countries have all enacted hate-speech laws that effectively serve as Islamic blasphemy laws, punishing anyone who speaks out critically of the new dominant faith – Islam.....'
 See the entire post here
And this disturbing revelation

Sunday, 18 February 2018

David Singer: Trump Promotes Jordan, Downgrades PLO and Defunds UNRWA

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was in Jordan this week delivering some very good news for Jordan – but not for the PLO and UNRWA.

Tillerson announced America’s commitment to fund Jordan to the tune of $1.275 billion per annum for the next five years – an increase of $275 million per annum over the previous annual commitment of $1 billion per annum during 2015-2017.

Part of this increased funding seems certain to come from defunding UNRWA – which receives about $355 million per annum from America. $65 million to UNRWA has already been frozen following President Trump’s earlier warning.

Tillerson stated that America’s ongoing contribution to UNRWA is dependent upon what other non-donor States who can afford to contribute to UNRWA are willing to do.

Trump has also expressed his annoyance at countries that take America’s money then show hostile intent in the United Nations when voting on matters inimical to American interests – such as America’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US Embassy there.

Jordan had voted with 127 other nations at a rare emergency meeting of the General Assembly on 21 December 2017 asking nations not to establish diplomatic missions in Jerusalem.

Yet Jordan has not been punished financially by Trump for that decision but has seen its funding substantially increased. Secretary Tillerson justified America’s decision at his joint press conference with Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi – citing:
1. The truly indispensable strategic partnership for decades between the United States and Jordan that’s been critical to the security of both nations, as well as contributing to the region’s security. 
2. Jordan receiving [650,000] displaced Syrian refugees. 
3. Jordan actively participating in the Global Coalition to Defeat Islamic State
4. Jordan cutting diplomatic ties with North Korea
Tillerson’s North Korea remarks were particularly significant since the “Embassy of Palestine” remains open in North Korea.

Trump has also certainly not forgotten PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s extraordinary two-hour-long anti-American and Jew-hating diatribe delivered on January 14.

Tillerson also stressed President Trump’s commitment to respecting Jordan’s role as the Custodian of the Holy Sites in Jerusalem. This special role was assigned to Jordan in the 1994 Jordan-Israel

Peace Treaty and seems set to be one of the cardinal planks in President Trump’s eagerly-awaited proposals to resolve the Jewish-Arab conflict.

Foreign Minister Safadi pointedly remarked: 
“We’ll continue to work with this current administration [to resolve the conflict] because we believe in the key role of the United States in delivering that peace. We cannot give up. It is a difficult situation. The challenge is not to make it worse and to find a way of moving forward. If we do not have the two-state solution, then I think we’re looking at a longer period of conflict that would only play into the hands of the spoilers and radicals who want to exploit the suffering and despair of people to spread their agenda of hate.” 
 Jordan’s position starkly contrasts with the PLO which will not accept America’s pivotal role.
Any negotiated two-state solution involving the creation of another Arab State between Israel and Jordan for the first time in recorded history was rejected by the Arabs in 1947 – could have been created at any time by the Arab League between 1948 and 1967 – and was again rejected by the PLO in 2000/1 and 2008.

Jordan – comprising 78% of former Palestine – has now signalled its readiness to move forward with Trump on achieving his “ultimate deal”. Trump’s latest funding commitment to Jordan guarantees Jordan’s co-operation for the next five years.

The PLO’s anti-America stance continues to test Trump’s patience.

Friday, 16 February 2018

NIF Oz's False Analogy

In Tel Aviv (image Haaretz)
The latest issue of the Australian Jewish News carries a letter from a Sydney reader expressing outrage at Israel's decision to "deport specifically African refugees".  Inter alia:
"What message does it send to all those people that have been to the Sydney Jewish Museum or the Jewish Holocaust Centre, seen the suffering of the Shoah and then read what Israel is doing to people who could also be sent to their death by an Israeli government's decision?
As Jews we must put pressure on the government by any means we know how, not only because it is humane to do so, but also for a selfish reason to ensure that this action does not lead to increased anti-Semitism."  (Emphasis added)
And in the same newspaper is an article on the same theme by the vice president of New Israel Fund Australia and a board member of the Asylum Seeker Centre of NSW, that also invokes the Shoah, specifically the voyage of the SS St Louis, and observes, inter alia:
"Here in Australia, the country with the highest number per capita of Holocaust survivors except Israel – people are insisting on being heard.
An emergency appeal launched by the New Israel Fund Australia raised $20,000 within just one week to help fund lawyers and case workers in Israel who are assisting asylum seekers facing deportation.
And, in just two days, 200 people signed a letter to PM Netanyahu protesting against his asylum seeker policies.
NIF plans to send the letter to Mark Sofer, Israel’s ambassador to Australia, next week.
... Please join us and call upon the Israeli government to treat its refugees with the compassion that Jewish people, our parents and our ancestors, have sought at times of grave danger for more than 2,000 years."
Never mind that, as reported here,
'When asked whether Israel needs to deport illegal Eritrean and Sudanese infiltrators, 58% of those polled said yes, and 23% said no.
When asked whether the infiltrators from Sudan and Eritrea are seeking political asyum or migrants looking for jobs, 51% of responders said they believe the infiltrators are "job seekers," and only 37% said they are "asylum seekers."
In addition, 63% of Israelis support the decision to remove the infiltrators to a third country in Africa, and 20% opposed the decision. 59% of Israelis do not believe that Israel has a moral obligation towards the infiltrators, while 24% said they believe Israel does have a moral obligation towards them.
Israel's plan offers the nearly 40,000 male, unmarried infiltrators, who entered Israel illegally, the opportunity to leave voluntarily before the end of March and receive $3500 compensation. enough to live on for as long as a year in the countries which agreed to accept them and to which they are to be flown. Anyone still in the country after that date will be arrested and deported without compensation.
Families and bona fide refugees are not included in the plan.
Israeli residents of southern Tel Aviv - where most of the infiltrators live - have long complained of their presence, the increased crime rate endangering Israeli citizens, and the city and Supreme Court's preference for infiltrators over Israeli citizens. The government's current plan has been approved by the Supreme Court, after all its previous objections were complied with by the Justice Department.'
As Liel Leibovitz sensibly states here:
"The Sudanese and Eritrean migrants struggling to stay in Israel aren’t Anne Frank, and the Israeli government isn’t the Gestapo. Thinking in these terms is morally unserious, intellectually dishonest, and politically unwise. And they prevent us from carefully and effectively addressing the real question: Should the migrants be allowed to stay?
Take the sound and the fury out of the picture, and you’ll find good and convincing arguments on both sides. It’s perfectly fine to argue that Israel, a Jewish state founded in the shadow of unprecedented persecution, should be sensitive to all who wish to make a better life for themselves, and therefore loosen its immigration policy to absorb as many newcomers as it can without making spurious arguments and claiming that they’re all in imminent mortal danger. That said, anyone making this argument should be prepared to explain precisely how Israel ought to welcome torrents of newcomers. The last decade was proof that, in the absence of clear guidelines, Israel’s free society and robust economy will attract an exponentially growing number of African migrants. Even if you believe the freedom to pick up and move anywhere you like to be a universal human right—a problematic proposition—you’d still have to explain just how Israel is supposed to take in so many newcomers without jeopardizing its ability to sustain its citizens first, losing its inherently Jewish nature, or both.
This, of course, is a more jagged version of the very same conversation Americans are having when they talk about immigration. Israelis, so frequently the canaries in the global coal mine, would do well to lead the way by rejecting the temptation of empty outrage and engaging instead in a difficult and complicated conversation, the kind adults have when faced with inconvenient truths and imperfect choices."

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Where Did You Get That Hijab?

No, everyone does not, Ms Wells.
Pictured swathed in Burberry-patterned headgear a fortnight ago is Annie Wells MSP, Conservative and Unionist member of the Scottish legislature for the Glasgow district.

Ms Wells's choice of garment was not to protect herself against the February chills in her northerly part of the world, but to demonstrate her solidarity with women who wear the hijab.  For this Burberry number is indeed a hijab and she was marking "World Hijab Day" (1 February), now in its fifth year.

See some more Scottish politicians' reactions here; that from John Mason is nauseating.

It goes without saying that nobody should be insulted, much less assaulted, for wearing the hijab, but when western women are actively encouraged to wear it, and by the British Foreign Office too, then a step too far has surely been reached.

A London newspaper, the Evening Standard reported:
'The Foreign Office handed out free headscarves to staff and encouraged them to learn why Muslim women wear the garment as part of its World Hijab Day celebrations. The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1. In an internal memo, the Foreign Office said that the headscarf is worn by some women who see it as representing “liberation, respect and security”.
According to reports, an email sent to staff said:  
“Would you like to try on a hijab or learn why Muslim women wear the headscarf? Come along to our walk-in event.Free scarves for all those that choose to wear it for the day or part of the day. Muslim women, along with followers of many other religions, choose to wear the hijab. Many find liberation, respect and security through wearing it. #StrongInHijab. Join us for #WorldHijabDay.”
A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that the event was for staff at its London office who wanted to learn more about other cultures.'  [Emphasis added, here and below]
For the sake of pandering to the Islamic world at home and abroad the Foreign Office believes it appropriate for non-Muslim females to cover their heads in a scarf that many Muslim women themselves regard as a symbol of female subservience and which began as an indication of which women (the covered ones) were not to be considered fair game for sexual violence by Muslim men.

Having the right not to wear the hijab is the real issue.  

Just ask all those Iranian women who recently, in a brave act of defiance, have allowed their locks to blow freely in the wind as nature intended.

Let's look at that Foreign Office memo again:
“Would you like to try on a hijab or learn why Muslim women wear the headscarf? Come along to our walk-in event.
“Free scarves for all those that choose to wear it for the day or part of the day."
Methinks I sense Da'awa at work there.  This photo (above, left) from the Evening Standard would seem to confirm that view.

Reports the Daily Mail:
'The event was ... just days before Britain marked the 100th anniversary of women [aged 30 and above, plus university graduates aged 21-30] being given the vote.
Maajid Nawaz, who heads the counter-extremism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, criticised the department for ‘supporting World Hijab Day and the institutional oppression of women through modesty culture, while brave Iranian women risk all to remove hijab tyranny’.
Anti-hijab activist Masih Alinejad told Reuters: ‘We are fighting against the most visible symbol of oppression. These women are saying, “It is enough – it is the 21st century and we want to be our true selves.”’ 
Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: ‘I’d like to know whose bright idea this was. It is ridiculous, a complete waste of taxpayers’ money and not the business of a Government department.‘I can’t see the Foreign Office promoting Christianity or the handing out of crosses.’
No demonstrative Foreign Office stunts on behalf of the Islam-persecuted Christians of the Near and Middle East, then.

And I don't see the Foreign Office holding a demonstration of solidarity with Jews in the "new" Europe, who feel increasingly unsafe when wearing symbols of Judaism in public places.

World Kippa Day, anyone?

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

"The Impurity of Jews & Infidels": A western imam tells (video)

 A former vice-chairman of the Canadian Council of Imams, Sheikh Yusuf Badat, explains on what terms the "filthy" can enter the masjid (mosque).

 A Vlad Tepes video:
"This video is part of a series exposing how Islam is taught in mosques and Islamic schools in North America. This video focuses on the Islamic view of Jews and unbelievers."

[Update: I don't know what happened to that video, but here's another from Vlad Tepes, illustrating the high status in which women are likely to find themselves in the new and improved Europe:]

And on his website here Vlad Tepes has an excerpt from QandA, the ABC's answer to the BBC's Question Time (and just as stacked, audience and panel) with confirmed leftists, well-known journalist Chris Kenny talks sense about the Islamist threat while a strident lefty panellist bristling with outrage, Vanessa ('Van') Badham (a contributor the The Guardian and its ilk, and needless to say a foe of [western] patriarchy) tries to shout him down.  (More on the Jim Molan incident mentioned, here)

Sunday, 11 February 2018

David Singer: UN Secretary-General Guterres Ignores Jordan-Palestine Nexus

Click HERE for video
Here's the latest article by Syney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres displayed how little he knows of the history, geography and demography of Palestine when addressing the opening of the 2018 Session of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (“CEIRPP”). Established by the General Assembly in 1975  – CEIRPP was responsible for the publication in 1978 of a false narrative of the Arab-Israel conflict – “The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem 1917-1947" (“UN Study”) – which has undoubtedly influenced United Nations thinking and decision-making.

Three examples highlight the falsity and outright bias of this UN Study:
1. Deliberately misrepresenting General Assembly Resolution 181 spoke of a “Palestinian Arab State” – when claiming:
“After investigating various alternatives the United Nations proposed the partitioning of Palestine into two independent States, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, with Jerusalem internationalized.”
The actual wording of Resolution 181 stated:
Independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem, set forth in Part III of this Plan, shall come into existence in Palestine....”
2. Omitting any mention of the fact that 78% of Palestine had become an independent Arab State in 1946 and been renamed the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.
3. Falsely alleging:
“The decision on the Mandate [for Palestine] did not take into account the wishes of the people of Palestine” 
The evidence contradicting this falsehood actually sits in the United Nations own archives.
That evidence comprises:
· Meetings of the Palestine Arab Delegation (Delegation) with the recently appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies  – Winston Churchill  – on 12, 22 and 23 August 1921 
· Letters from 21 February 1922 to 23 June 1922 between the Delegation and the Secretary of State for the Colonies during the Delegation’s stay in the Hotel Cecil in London.
CEIRPP concealed this crucial archival evidence  – falsely inferring the Palestinian Arabs wishes had not been taken into account when in fact they had been fully considered. Secretary-General Guterres told the CEIRPP opening session:
“I remain steadfast in the United Nations and my commitment to supporting the parties in their efforts to make the two-State solution a reality.
There is no Plan B.
A two-State solution is the only way to achieve the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and secure a sustainable solution to the conflict.”
Secretary-General Gutteres is apparently unaware that:
 · The term “Palestinian people” was invented in the 1964 Palestine Liberation Organization Charter which also specifically excluded any claim to exercise regional sovereignty “over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” and “on the Gaza Strip”
· The Palestinian Arabs were never mentioned in the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - being grouped in with “the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”
· The “two-State solution” - Israel and Jordan – first envisaged in 1922 and actually proposed in 1937 - was accepted by the Jews but rejected by the Arabs on both occasions. It was 95% achieved in 1994 when the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty was signed.
· The “inalienable rights of the Palestinian people” went walkabout between 1948 and 1967 when an additional Arab State between Jordan and Israel could have been created with the stroke of an Arab League pen after all Jews living there had been forcefully expelled.
· There are many Plan B’s involving Jordan – the major part of former Palestine – which remains the key to resolving this conflict.
Secretary-General Gutteres – with the greatest respect – needs a crash-course in the actual – not fictitious – history of the 100 years-old Arab-Jewish conflict. Relying on this false UN Study to gain his knowledge and understanding of the conflict is not recommended.

Glitzy in Gaza

What the biased western media doesn't let us see!

Tom Gross has more here

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Sweden's Meltdown (video)

A 24-minute look at the anti-white agenda that with the Left's blessing is destroying Swedish civilisation, symbolised by the treatment of ancient artefacts, but not confined to them alone, as the tenets of another "culture" fills the vacuum caused by a country indoctrinated with self-loathing, one prepared to suborn the rights and safety of women and Jews to a misogynistic and antisemitic mindset that the warped Left has placed above criticism ...

(Hat tip: Vlad Tepes blog)

On the "feminist" Swedish government's horrifying sellout to Islamic misogynists see Bruce Bawer's powerful article here

Thursday, 8 February 2018

David Katharas: What a Jewish Pogrom Means

From the historical archives, a reminder of the thin line between barbarity and civilisation, and that civilisation cannot be taken for granted. (The image at left is of still-breathing victims of the Kiev pogrom of 1919; the pogrom described below seemingly occurred in 1885, and the author briefly mentions one that took place in 1905.)

This article was printed in The Australian Worker, 16 August 1933; it was entitled 'What a Jewish Pogrom Means'.
For centuries the Jews have been persecuted. But have you ever realised the terror of a pogrom? This description of anti-Jewish riots by David Katharas refers to pre-war Russia, but it might easily be Germany to-day.
This story may help Christians to realise the. horror with which world Jewry has heard of the outbreak of anti-Semitism in Germany, and the depth of feeling behind the protests of our people against the Nazi attacks on the Jews.
I am a trader in the City of London, but Russia is the country of my birth.
I am one of many thousands of Jews in this country and America who have lived through the terror of persecution in Eastern Europe, and who know what anti-Semitism can mean at the hands of the more brutal of the European peoples.
My mind goes back to a spring evening in the town of Kiev in South Russia [Ukraine].
There are five of us huddled in a corner of a back room — my parents, my two young sisters and myself. We children are clutching my father's arms, too terrified to speak or even to weep. 
There is a rumble in the distance which grows louder every minute until, we hearthe howls and curses of a mob of people. They are in our own street It is filled with yelling fiends.
My father creeps oyer to the window, lean see his face now against the light, his eyes wide open and his features petrified. I crept over beside him.
'It is Mordecai Wienarski's baby . . . Mordecai Wienarski's baby,' he kept repeating. 
The mob is dancing in frenzy and shrieking maledictions on the Jews. They are surging against Mordecai Wienarski's house, and some men are leaning out of the upper windows. They are shouting, 'He has hidden his gold! He has hidden his gold!'
Among the crowd there is a squad of Cossacks. One of them points to the ground, and laughs. The Cossacks make no move to disperse the crowd. My father suddenly realises that I am beside him and pushes me back to the corner. There we remain, the five of us clinging to each other, weeping with terror.
The din outside gradually dies. As darkness comes down the sky is lit with flames. We can hear the crackling of fires nearby. We remain closer together in our corner. We dare not flee. They are burning houses nearby.
For weeks after that night in May we children never left the house. There was a reign of terror for the Jews of Kiev. For a few days there would be peace, and then a drunken mob would storm the house of a Jew. That would be the signal for a renewed outbreak of murder and pillage.
We had come from Odessa only a month before. I remember what high hopes I had. Some Russian boys had spat on me in Odessa, and Kiev was a sort of Mecca, for I had been told that nearly all the people in the town were Jews. Actually there were about 20,000 out of a population of 140,000.
It was years later, after we had gone to live in Moscow, that my father told me the full story of those riots in Kiev.
He was an eye-witness of many of the terrible events. The. ostensible cause of the pogroms was the assassination of the Czar Alexander. The Russian Government was having trouble with its own people, and it wanted a scapegoat. As with Hitler now, it blamed the Jews.
The attacks on the Jews were organised. Stories were spread about that the Government had ordered the property of the Jews to be handed over to the Russians, and ignorant people believed that they had a right to take all we had.
The day of which I have spoken was the Christian Sabbath. A mob of the lowest elements in the town had broken into the dram shops and looted the vodka.
Frenzied with drink, they set out to seize their 'rightful property' from the Jews.
At the house of Mordecai Wienarski they found nothing to plunder. He was a poor man. Enraged, they seized his child of three and threw it out of the window.
The Cossacks, who were supposed to preserve law, and order, did nothing to restrain the mob. Elsewhere they joined in the orgy.
Many Jewesses were attacked on the same day, some of them mere children.
There was Rosje Feldman, whom we knew. She was thirteen. Several brutes attacked her, while others held her hands and feet. She died a month later.
Another girl of fourteen met the same fate. One married woman was stripped and maltreated. She was kicked while unconscious.
On the Monday all was quiet, but on the Tuesday morning the news spread round the terrified Jewish community that the houses of Christians in Kiev were being marked with crosses. We waited for the worst, and it happened.
The mob was more murderous than ever.
A Jewish wine shop was broken into, and after drinking themselves mad, the fiends cut the throats of the proprietor's wife and six children. My father saw the bodies next day in the cellar.
In another part of the town, a widow of fifty who was trying to save her daughter from dishonor was herself attacked. 
Mrs. Leah Chajet was one woman whose house was entered by a dozen raving madmen. They struck her on the head with a hammer. A fortnight later she gave birth to a child.
The child lived. She died.
Even worse things were happening in some of the smaller towns.
At one place while the Jews were at the synagogue, all the Jewesses were attacked. The younger were ill-treated, three dying as a result. The older were driven into the river, many of them dying later of exposure.
When the Jews heard that their women were in danger, they rushed out of the synagogue to attempt a rescue.
Several were stoned to death.
In other villages Jewish houses were burned down. One mother was forced to look on while her two children were roasted alive. In the same village a mother was ill-treated and then burnedto death in the house. Her little girl lay crouching in a ditch watching the home go up in flames.
Meanwhile the village innkeeper, a Jew, had been cooped in one of his own barrels and thrown into tlie river.
These things did not happen in the Middle Ages! I am only sixty now, and they are within by own memory. Many of my relatives were victims.
As I said, we went to Moscow soon afterwards. Tlie terror broke out there again as late as 1905. I was married by this time and had two young children.
The authorities were faced with a revolution, and again they blamed the Jews.
My part of the town was in danger, and I fled with my family in the dead of night in a closed coach. We took refuge in the house of a friend, a professor, who lived near the university. After an hour or two, news came that the mob was making for the university.
We moved off again for the house of another friend. Our coach came right into the mob, on the embankment of the Moskva River. We had to move slowly, and I was able to see them throw a man into the river, which had then a thin coating of ice.
Every time his head appeared, the soldiers fired at him and the mob threw stones. I learned afterwards that he was not a Jew; but a Gentile student.
That happened' in 1905, and the South Russian terror only twenty years earlier.
Human nature does not change in a generation. And we Jews do not forget that the pogroms started in East Prussia be fore they spread to Russia. That is why the name of Hitler is a nightmare to all Jewry.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

"They're Actively Working in Glasgow...They Can Identify You ..."

Och, those evil Zionists and their running dogs.

At an Israel-demonising bash in Scotland's second city recently, Scottish PSC chief Mick Napier rallies others of that ilk with the usual Israel- and IDF-demonising claptrap.

Like our old friend the ex-vicar of Virginia Water, the hoary-headed chieftain and "human rights activist" has no qualms about appearing on Iran's Press TV.

And here he is, strutting his stuff on the Fars newsagency.

What a farce!

Sunday, 4 February 2018

David Singer: Trump Credits Senate Bipartisanship for Jerusalem Declaration

Here's the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

President Trump’s State of the Union address was mainly met in stony silence by the Democrats as their Republican rivals continually jumped to their feet to loudly applaud the President’s many achievements at home and overseas during the past twelve months.

Sustained Republican applause greeted Trump’s statement:
“Last month, I also took an action endorsed unanimously by the U.S. Senate just months before. I recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”
Yet the Democrats chose not to stand and applaud this special moment that was theirs as much as the Republicans, President Trump unreservedly acknowledging the Senate’s pivotal role in his historic Jerusalem Declaration.

Senate Resolution S.Res.176 – passed on 5 June 2017 by 90 votes to 0 – had declared:
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.
Whereas June 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War and the reunification of the city of Jerusalem;
Whereas there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem for 3 millennia;
Whereas Jerusalem is a holy city and the home for people of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths;
Whereas, for 3,000 years, Jerusalem has been Judaism's holiest city and the focal point of Jewish religious devotion;
Whereas, from 1948 to 1967, Jerusalem was a divided city, and Israeli citizens of all faiths as well as Jews of all nationalities were denied access to holy sites in eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City, in which the Western Wall is located;
Whereas, in 1967, Jerusalem was reunited by Israel during the conflict known as the Six Day War;
Whereas, since 1967, Jerusalem has been a united city, and persons of all religious faiths have access to holy sites within the city;
Whereas this year marks the 50th year that Jerusalem has been administered as a united city in which the rights of all faiths have been respected and protected; Whereas the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45), which became law on November 8, 1995, states that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected; and
Whereas it is the longstanding policy of the United States Government that a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations without preconditions for a sustainable two-state solution: Now, therefore, be it
 Resolved, That the Senate
(1) recognizes the 50th Anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem and extends its friendship and hopes for peace to the residents of Jerusalem and the people of Israel;
(2) reaffirms its support for Israel’s commitment to religious freedom and administration of holy sites in Jerusalem;
(3) continues to support strengthening the mutually beneficial American-Israeli relationship;
(4) commends Egypt and Jordan, former combatant states of the Six Day War, who in subsequent years embraced a vision of peace and coexistence with Israel and have continued to uphold their respective peace agreements;
(5) reaffirms that it is the longstanding, bipartisan policy of the United States Government that the permanent status of Jerusalem remains a matter to be decided between the parties through final status negotiations towards a two-state solution; and (6) reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45) as United States law, and calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.
Republicans and Democrats had come together to draft and unanimously endorse this historic resolution – which had clearly inspired President Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration. Such bipartisanship has now seemingly disappeared with the release of the Nunes Memo
Recapturing that bipartisanship remains the greatest challenge to Trump making America really great again. passed on 5 June 2017 by 90 votes to 0 – had declared:
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.
Whereas June 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War and the reunification of the city of Jerusalem;
Whereas there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem for 3 millennia;
Whereas Jerusalem is a holy city and the home for people of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths;
Whereas, for 3,000 years, Jerusalem has been Judaism's holiest city and the focal point of Jewish religious devotion;
Whereas, from 1948 to 1967, Jerusalem was a divided city, and Israeli citizens of all faiths as well as Jews of all nationalities were denied access to holy sites in eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City, in which the Western Wall is located;
Whereas, in 1967, Jerusalem was reunited by Israel during the conflict known as the Six Day War;
Whereas, since 1967, Jerusalem has been a united city, and persons of all religious faiths have access to holy sites within the city;
Whereas this year marks the 50th year that Jerusalem has been administered as a united city in which the rights of all faiths have been respected and protected; Whereas the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45), which became law on November 8, 1995, states that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected; and
Whereas it is the longstanding policy of the United States Government that a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be achieved through direct, bilateral negotiations without preconditions for a sustainable two-state solution: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate –
(1) recognizes the 50th Anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem and extends its friendship and hopes for peace to the residents of Jerusalem and the people of Israel;
(2) reaffirms its support for Israel’s commitment to religious freedom and administration of holy sites in Jerusalem;
(3) continues to support strengthening the mutually beneficial American-Israeli relationship;
(4) commends Egypt and Jordan, former combatant states of the Six Day War, who in subsequent years embraced a vision of peace and coexistence with Israel and have continued to uphold their respective peace agreements;
(5) reaffirms that it is the longstanding, bipartisan policy of the United States Government that the permanent status of Jerusalem remains a matter to be decided between the parties through final status negotiations towards a two-state solution; and (6) reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104–45) as United States law, and calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.
Republicans and Democrats had come together to draft and unanimously endorse this historic resolution – which had clearly inspired President Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration. Such bipartisanship has now seemingly disappeared with the release of the Nunes Memo

Recapturing that bipartisanship remains the greatest challenge to Trump making America really great again.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Marking a Seventeenth Birthday (videos)

Ahed Tamimi turned 17 on 31 January.  The event was marked at a rally inside Penn Station, New York:



Don't look for Codepink's  Medea Benjamin there, however.

Look for her here: