Friday, 22 December 2017

Talking About Jerusalem & UN Hypocrisy (videos)

Here's Daniel Pomerantz, senior editor of Honest Reporting, telling it straight (from Jerusalem):

And here's Nikki Haley:

From the ABC, Australia's answer to the BBC, typical biased approval of the UN's overwhelming rejection of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.  (To its shame, Australia abstained,)

1 comment:

  1. Why do many nations attempt to take the Land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, away from Jews?
    The answers are found in THE BIBLE:

    [1] In the Biblical Book of Joshua (chapter 23, verses 12 to 13), G_d Himself warns that intermarriage with non-Jews will cause the Jews to fail in their attempt to conquer the Land of Israel.
    Even worse, G_d also warns that intermarriage with non-Jews will cause the Jews to be pushed-out-of the Land of Israel.

    [2] In the Biblical Book of Jeremiah (end of chapter 17), the prophet warn that Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem depends on Jews observing Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath.

    [3] The Biblical Book of Tehillim [Psalms in English] (chapter 105, last 2 verses) teaches that G_d gave the Land of Israel to Jews because He wants Jews to carefully obey His commandments [chukav].

    How intermarriage harms Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel:

    How Shabbat-desecration harms Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem:


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