Thursday, 5 October 2017

"Pro-Terrorist" Gazan Singer on Stage: Shame the Theatre, Shame the City of London?

Not London, England, where since 29 September antisemitic incitement has been at work on stage.  For there, as widely known by now,  the Young Vic theatre company has been performing the squalid propaganda piece My Name is Rachel Corrie.

(For that particular piece of anti-Israel mischief, inspired by the demonic International  Solidarity Movement, see Jonathan Hoffman here and Melanie Phillips here and, in a splendid twist inspired by Richard Millett, David Collier here)

Rather, London, Ontario.

The singer referred to is the 2013 Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf, from Gaza, who's presently in Canada on a five-city concert tour and will be on stage in London this coming Sunday night.

 Here's David Menzies of Ezra Levant's reviewing some of Mr Assaf's off-stage activities, and requesting signatures for a petition to be presented at the theatre on Sunday.

Writes David Menzies in introducing his petition (that's in bold type below):
'Assaf’s music is explicitly pro-terrorist.
For example, his song, “Ya Yumma”, is one long propaganda video promoting violence against Israel. While showing videos of riots against Jews, Assaf calls on Muslims to rise up and “fight the occupiers”. He calls terrorists “martyrs” and tells young Palestinians to “fight back” to conquer Jerusalem.
And if you think that’s bad, on his Facebook page — that has 10 million followers — Assaf posts pictures of terrorists who attack Jews, and calls them “holy martyrs”. No wonder when Assaf first arrived in Canada this week, he was greeted by Nazih Khatatba — a Holocaust denier.
So what can we do?
I don’t believe in censorship, even for bigots like Assaf.
But I can think of two things we need to do right now.
1. On Sunday night, Assaf is performing at Centennial Hall in London, Ontario. That’s owned by the city. 
I want to deliver a massive petition to Centennial Hall’s management on Sunday night, with thousands of names of Canadians who object to a pro-terrorist singer swanning through Canada. I want London’s city council to know the kind of company they’re keeping.
2. I want to show London the truth about Assaf — including any concert-goers who might not know how odious he is.
I’ve rented a billboard truck. It’s like a jumbotron from a sports venue, but it’s on the back of a truck!
And we can program it with words, pictures, anything. I want to load it up with facts about Assaf, and drive it around the city before the concert — showing citizens the truth. And confronting concert-goers with those facts, too.
The cost of the petition is free, obviously — please sign it by clicking below. I’ll deliver it on Sunday night.
The cost of the truck is about $1,600, plus gas money to and from London for me and my camera man. All told, we’ll probably need about $1,800 to do this — can you please help me out? 
That’s my plan — it respects freedom of expression. But it shames Centennial Hall and its owners, the City of London. And it forces Assaf’s concert-goers to come face to face with their star’s hate.
If you agree with my plan, please sign the petition below.  
We object to Mohammed Assaf, whose music promotes terrorism, performing in Canada. His glamorization of hatred and violence is not welcome here.'
UPDATE:  As this video from The shows, David Menzies was prevented by security guards from delivering his petition, containing 3000 names, at the theatre, and had to pop it through the letterbox at City Hall instead.  He did manage to interview a number of concert-goers, including (from about 6:30) a gentleman who suggested that the Holocaust was the work of "Israeli leaders themselves".


  1. Radical Moslems put a bomb in a Manchester Rock Concert, knife tourists outside Parliament, and crash a vehicle deliberately into British citizens at London Bridge, now one of these radicals is allowed by the useless British government and Mayor of London to rant Islamist hatred from a London stage.

  2. Should be thrown out of the West and never allowed back ..


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