Friday, 14 July 2017

"It's About Time We Had an Intifada in This Country!" (video)

A collection of eyebrow-raising pronouncements from an American professor:

Asserts the uploader, Canary Mission, which has a must-read post here
'Nablus-born Hatem Bazian, is notorious for calling for intifada [violent uprising] in the USA. He is the founder of radical organizations, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). He is a serial pusher of conspiracies, and has a 'project' to re-write history. More worryingly, he is largely responsible for the wave of antisemitic incitement across North American campuses.'


  1. If by intifada he means a savage war replete with mass graves and killing fields where we line up the useful idiots and mow them down like weeds, ok. Let's do it. I'm game.

  2. Replies
    1. This makes me smile! Poor old Porzsolt!
      (If it goes behind a paywall I have posted the text on Daphne Anson Blog Facebook page)

    2. Thx I grabbed it from Google cache.
      Unfortunately I don't think that will be enough to stop Labor from officially siding with terrorists. I think the only hope to keep Labor out of power is campaign of exposing their antisemitic members, similar to what's being done in the UK.
      Where is our Guido Fawkes?



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