Sunday, 25 June 2017

Israel-Demonising Priest Addresses Al Quds Day Crowd Down Under (videos)

Pro-Iran Sydney-based Anglican priest Father Dave Smith is an antipodean member of the International Board of Reference of pro-Iran Stephen Sizer's new Israel-demonising vehicle Peacemaker Moderators.

Last year Smith described the Iranian-sponsored Hate Fest that is Al Quds Day as "a day when God brings us together ... an intrinsically religious event" and regretted that he could not attend Melbourne's Al Quds Day rally in person.

This year Smith was star speaker at the Al Quds Day rally in Melbourne, ranting and raving against the Zionist Entity before a crowd of appreciative Israel-haters gathered outside the usual venue for anti-Israel love-ins of this kind, the State Library of Victoria.

His speech was temporarily interrupted by raucous cries of "Down Down Israel!!!" (a cry replicated on placards held by Israel-haters on hand) and followed by equally raucuous cries of "From the River to the Sea ..."

(Videos below: Jmedia Online)

Another Israel-hater inveighing against "Zionists" in Melbourne including "an IDF training centre" on Collins Street; note the chants:

And another one, an imam from Britain:

A look at some of the charmers present:

For Iran's massive large-scale financing of international terror see here


  1. Nathan of Plaza25 June 2017 at 21:13

    What 'End the Occupation' call really means --


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