Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Muslim Intellectual on Trump's Impact on Saudi Arabia (videos)

Here's pro-Israel British-born US-based Muslim physician and intellectual Dr Qanta Ahmed discussing the impact President Trump has made on the Saudi-aligned Muslim world with his speech in Riyadh:


Her take on the term "Islamist":


Meanwhile, the extremist Caliphate-seeking organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, banned in much of the Middle East but tolerated in Britain and Australia, has held a conference in Sydney.
'During a ... question and answer session, fellow leader Uthman Badar invoked the Holocaust, which saw six million Jews killed during the 1940s, and declared Muslims could not separate religion and politic
"The idea that it's so inconceivable is always the case. If you asked someone in the 1920s whether something like the Holocaust was possible you’d be laughed at,'"Mr Badar said.
"Things can, they may not, but they can go south very, very quickly. It’s something to keep in the back of your mind."
He added that Muslims could not separate religion from politics.
"For us, the political, the activism is necessarily and inextricably grounded in the spiritual. If you separate the two, that's not Islam," Mr Badar said.'
 Badar declared at a Hizb forum earlier this year:
"The ruling for apostates as such in Islam is clear, that apostates attract capital punishment and we don't shy away from that" ...
 Misogynist imam in Canada talking in French (subtitled) about the subordinate place of wives (vile stuff).

1 comment:

  1. Terrorism Persists Because It Has Been Rewarded:

    by Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz, 2017/5/23



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