Monday, 24 April 2017

'In an Emotionless Expression He Said "I'd Kill Her"'

Thus, according to the Jihad-aware Indian-born Canadian Christian scholar Ravi Zacharias, is how a Muslim professor in Bethlehem replied when asked by Zacharias how he'd react if his daughter wished to follow a faith other than Islam.  (5:58)
To quote the uploader:
'This is an uncut version of the raw interview with author and scholar Dr. Ravi Zacharias from the documentary "A Cry From Iran" (about Martyr Bishop Haik Hovsepian) on the topic of Islamic extremists and persecuted Christians, produced and released by Hovsepian Ministries.
Meanwhile, a revealing video on the incursions of the Muslim Brotherhood into North America and its attitude to Hamas and Hezbollah:

To quote the uploader:
'In episode 13 of The Third Jihad, Clarion Project exposes numerous groups such as CAIR, ISNA and the Muslim Students Association that would not condemn 9/11, Hamas and Hezbolla. Their parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood, is responsible for global terror and nurturing many well known terror organizations.'
And the Sarsour train trundles on ...

As does the United Nations' hypocrisy and ludicrosity:

To quote the uploader:
'The Geneva-based human rights group UN Watch condemned the U.N.'s election of Saudi Arabia, "the world's most misogynistic regime," to a 2018-2022 term on its Commission on the Status of Women, the U.N. agency "exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women."'
It would be funny if it were not so disgustingly, so despicably, sad.

1 comment:

  1. Anything they do to continue to drive their culture straight into the sewer should be supported, embraced, supported. It can only be better for all the rest of us. I have always said if you want wipe out the most cancerous aspect of Islam, handout a hundred million M-16's to the women only, 2 clips each. 30 days, tops it's all a memory.


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