Friday, 10 March 2017

From Horned Helmets to Pussy Hats

If you thought Sweden's men have become mice think again.

They are yet worthy of their warrior ancestors!

They are still a fighting breed whom Sweden's great seventeenth century soldier-king Gustavus Adolphus would recognise with pride!

Be not deceived!  Those horned helmets we associate with the Vikings, those fearsome raiders who struck terror into all hearts, have not been abandoned.

They have merely been given a makeover, in keeping with the Wallstrom/Soros era.


These stalwarts, members of the Construction Workers' Union in Sweden, have been marking International Women's Day.

You could read the original here  On the other hand, you may wish to read a translation: the Vlad Tepes blog has one here

Too bad these guys couldn't do something really constructive (no pun intended!) for the cause of Swedish women by breaking ranks with the rape capital of Europe's crazy leftist-feminista-Islamophile government and identifying exactly where the clear and present danger to women's rights and women's safety really lies in the country Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist so rightly terms Absurdistan!

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