Monday, 23 January 2017

On the Muslim Response to moving the Tel Aviv Regime's US Embassy to Al Quds, & the role of BDS (video)

On the satellite propaganda channel of the land of the ayatollahs, urbane presenter Raza Kazim  talks to Oxford Professor Tariq Ramadan regarding the appropriate Muslim response to Donald Trump's proposal to move the US embassy in Israel "The Tel Aviv Regime" to Jerusalem (noted the shocked emphasis in his voice, as if Jerusalem has as scant relevance to Jews, Judaism and Israel "The Zionist Entity" as it does to, well, er, to the text of the Quran. 

Professor Ramadan discusses the pressure Muslims in the UK and the West can exert ("as citizens we are here to speak out"), and then launches into a spirited discussion of BDS strategies. 


Bonus: Here's ( the former Mr Witz with his usual good sense:


1 comment:

  1. Wondering what the Arab is going to say is a bit like wondering what CNN is going to say at any given moment. We pretty much know what they're going to say. Because reality doesn't matter, facts don't matter, nothing matters. All that matters is that they shout and scream and whine and complain. The words coming out of their mouths are unimportant. A twitterbot could do it.


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