Monday, 2 January 2017

"Military Occupation is Clearly Permitted Under International Law Following an Aggressive Attack by a Neighbouring State" (video)

'[S]ettlements have nothing to do with the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Before the June 1967 Six Day War, there were no such things as "settlements." Palestinians were trying to destroy and displace Israel anyhow. The core problem is not, and never was, "settlements," but the right of Israel (or any non-Muslim nation) to exist inside any borders in that part of the world.
If you take a stand that is based on a lie, then that stand cannot succeed. If you try to oppose anti-Semitism but pretend it is the same thing as "Islamophobia," then the structure on which you have made your stand will totter and all your aspirations will fail. If you try to make a stand based on the idea that settlement construction rather than the intransigence of the Palestinians to the existence of a Jewish state is what is holding up a peace deal, then facts will keep on intruding.'

So writes the indefatigable Douglas Murray in an article for the admirable Gatestone Institute here, mindful of the key role that Arab intransigence and bloody-minded negativism has had in creating the present imbroglio, and that Israel is more sinned against than sinning.

A similar message is contained in this Prager University talk by Professor Alan Dershowitz.  It is not a brand new video, having first appeared in 2015, but in the light of current events it's worth another whirl.

See also here

And French oleh Jean Vercors, whom regular readers of this blog may recall, writes indignantly:
'Who are the real settlers?
There are real settlers who live on land colonized, stolen, won in wars of aggression....
Today, they ... vote for anti-Jewish resolutions by dozens every year by turning a blind eye to mass killings in Syria, Iraq in Sudan, forgetting that thousands of Christians are massacred during deafening silence - theirs.
What a moral decay for those whose ears are deaf and their brains tight to denounce their indifference to humanitarian tragedies and their appetite never satisfied for the construction of homes in Judea and Samaria.
Diplomats at the UN, you voted an ignoble anti-Israeli resolution that takes the Jews out of the old city of Jerusalem, you accuse the Jews from Judea of ​​colonizing their own ancestral lands, to hide the fact that you live on land colonized and stolen lands.
The presence of Israel in Judea and Samaria which you call the West Bank is not an occupation; the Israeli settlements are legal under international law.
·       Do not read the Treaty of San Remo of 25 April 1920: it contradicts you.
·       Do not read the Resolution 80 of the Charter of the United Nations, unofficially known as the "Jewish clause", which preserves intact the rights granted to Jews by the British Mandate over Palestine even after the expiry of the said mandate on 14 May 1948 .
·       Mute your ears: this Resolution 80 forbids the United Nations to create a Palestinian state.
·       Turn off your computers to avoid reading this: no part of Palestine concerned by the British Mandate was given for the creation of a 23rd Arab State.
·       Establishing a State on lands attributed to Jews is illegal under Article 80 of the Charter of the United Nations and goes beyond the legal authority of the United Nations itself.
·       Forget your Security Council Resolution 242 of 22 November 1967: it requires that the borders be decided between the parties in peace negotiations.
The UN and the EU do not accept that a Jew may own land.
In all European history, the Jews had no right to be peasants; they had to be able to be expelled easily. That is why they are found in the financial and small craft sectors. The mentalities have not changed.
Living in Judea, its historic and ancestral land from which its name comes, poses an unsustainable problem for Europeans, but they have no problem with the 1.5 million Arabs living in Israel.
The UN is an indifferent or impotent criminal organization, which amounts to the same thing, to prevent the genocides in Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Rwanda and annexations of territories in Ukraine, the Crimea and the China Sea.
The antisemite is constantly inventing new forms and finding new forums. It is a mutant metastasis, against Islam which is a genetically unmodifiable cancer.
The United Nations does not solve the problems of the world, it creates them.
Band of thugs!'
(Jean Vercors: more, in French, here)

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