Friday, 30 December 2016

Tonge Tied at Number Two

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre names the Top Ten Antisemitic/Anti-Israel Incidents of the Past Year.  Baroness Tonge ties at number two spot.

See here

Meanwhile, Jenny Tonge has been appointed by our old mate Stephen Sizer, the-retiring-at-Easter Vicar of Virginia Water to the so-called "Board of Reference" of his Peacemaker Mediators outfit, to be launched in May.

Latest names unveiled by the vicar below.


  1. I'm a little surprised by one or two of those names. Do they all know what it is they are getting into? A spoonful of sugar and all that?

    1. I have a feeling that there are a few innocents among them too, Ian.

    2. I have no idea who you and Ian are referring to but if you and he believe some people were somehow bamboozled into joining this cretin's antisemitic outfit perhaps somebody should notify them?!...

    3. Hi, Shtrudel. I think nor or two may be naive, that's all.

    4. To a committed Christian, the idea of peacemaking and mediation is central to our beliefs.The trick is to say the right words without letting on that how you define them is not the same as how they understand them. Doublespeak. Shtrudel is right, but it's identifying the deceived that is the problem. A powerful and massive emotional argument about hurting Palestinians has been deployed. Opposing it looks and feels unchristian.This shifts the grounds for peacemaking and, in turn, Israel looks bad. At this point, the well-wisher seeks to educate Israel in the error of its ways,m for the best of reasons, not realising the depth of the deception.

  2. Two-State Illusion
    by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky

  3. Many of the usual suspects, I note, in Stephen Sizer's lists. Is he still a Cof E vicar? Or have they finally managed to retire him?

  4. He retires on Easter Sunday, Brian. The launch of his new initiative is 6 May. I dare say I will be blogging about it!

  5. Richard Bewes, the former minister of All Souls Langham Place (an influential church in central London), now attends Sizer's church, where he is a member of the preaching team. Astonishingly, he signed this statement in 2015!

    1. Thanks, James. I had not come across that before. Swelteringly hot here in Oz - I shall read it carefully later.


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