Thursday, 3 November 2016

Pro-Women's Rights Baroness Cox Shouted Down by Muslim Leader

During an on-air discussion, Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadan Foundation in the UK, loses his cool.  He rants against Baroness Cox, doughty campaigner for the rights of Muslim women oppressed by Sharia Courts, calling her an Islamophobe, and attacking her ties to the "rightwing fascist" Henry Jackson Society and the Gatestone Institute.  He also drags in Jews and Hindus.

To quote the uploader:
"Debate is raging in the UK over the work of Sharia Councils often used by Muslims to settle family disputes and divorce.
Two inquiries have been launched into its practices after accusations of discrimination against women came to light.
Activists made their cases in the House of Commons on Tuesday..both for and against the Councils.
We put the issue up for debate with Baroness Cox, who raised a motion against Sharia law in the House of Lords today, and Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadan Foundation in the UK"

1 comment:

  1. Anybody that loves England and thinks it's still like it was in Miss Marple flix look away now


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