Friday, 18 November 2016

Has Sizer's Bishop Been a Party Pooper?

At the time I'm writing the news hasn't caught up with the Vicar of Virginia Water's Christ Church site, but the launch of his brand new Peacemaker Mediators charity advertised for 3 December has been cancelled.

In what seems a low key fashion, a new date for this event has been announced, and as in the case of the old one, anybody who wants to go must RSVP.

The betting is that the Bishop of Guildford read the Riot Act to our old chum, telling him that he can't go ahead with this venture until after his retirement on Easter Sunday.

Quite right too.

And (hat tip: Ian) Sizer's books have met a snag: see John Bevan's post here


  1. Dave if you actually knew anything you conceivably could be dangerous

  2. Daphne, you might have missed this

    1. Thanks, EC. A pathetic response from people with form in kicking Israel. What chutzpah for them to tell Jews what antisemitism is and is not. At least one of them is prominently associated with Sizer's "Peacemaker Mediators" too. Awful.

    2. I agree Daphne, fancy having 'mediators' who are prejudiced against one of the parties in a dispute - how useless is that?!


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